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Should I move back home if I'm jobless?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Family<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (25 March 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 25 March 2009)
A female Ireland age 36-40, *tayanon writes:

I moved to a city to get a job and now in my third month of living here and have no hope left. I am qualified and have not had problems getting a job in the past but in the current climate its not looking good. Im about to go through a break up and dont know if I can cope staying here whilst I go through that. Nothing is happening in my life apart from this break up that I know is coming as my boyfriend wants to go on a break (some unknown time in the future).

Should I stay in the city and keep trying or should I move home and seek comfort from friends and family?

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A male reader, Jason means Healer United Kingdom +, writes (25 March 2009):

No man (or woman) is an island.

A little humility, and a "I'm back" to your family is sometimes just the ticket.

When a bird leaves the nest, sometimes it stays out.

Other times it flaps around until it finds it's way back to the nest.

Nothing wrong with either way but whatever works.

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A female reader, jessica04 United States +, writes (25 March 2009):

jessica04 agony auntIt sounds like you need a good hug from Mom and Dad. Go home, let them take care of your sould for a little while. That's what family is for.

As far as this "break" with your BF, don't make any decisions based of some intangible future possibility. You just need to focus on yourself, he'll do whatever he wants to. Hopefully he will respect you enough to do the right thing and either stay with you or break up with you. But I wouldn't let him string you around.

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (25 March 2009):

I would go home if I were you.

It's rent free, cosy, you have friends and family around you and will allow you to get over your boyfriend and not have to suffer a long drawn out breakup for no reason.

You can get any old job in a shop or as a waitress at home, and then get some savings behind you and keep applying for jobs in the cities you want to live in. If you get one then you will be able to afford to go and have your flat deposit sorted as you find somewhere to rent.

Now you don't have your boyfriend to tie you down, you can look at different cities and even different countries. There is a world out there for you to establish your career in. Go for it!!

Good Luck!! xx

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