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She stopped texting... What's the protocol?

Tagged as: Online dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 May 2014) 3 Answers - (Newest, 24 May 2014)
A male United States age 30-35, *astonhollens writes:

Hi, so this girl and i have been texting for a few months. She's cool, she's like a year or two younger than i am and normally she'd start the conversation, we talked pretty much every day but she hasn't texted in about two weeks and yeah, well i really like her so i don't know what the girl protocol or whatever is for this. Like what does it mean? She not interested, found someone else, was it something I said?

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A female reader, llifton United States +, writes (24 May 2014):

llifton agony auntDid you ever actually call her? Or you just texted for three months with no actual phone conversation or in person contact? If you never went on a date or even took the time to call, my guess is that she got bored and moved on. She probably gave up, assuming you weren't that interested. And also, if she usually was the one making all the effort to stay in contact, that furthers the notion she probably assumed you weren't interested.

For me, if I was texting someone for three months straight and that was it, I'd eventually get bored, as well, and move on.

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A female reader, Aunty BimBim Australia +, writes (24 May 2014):

Aunty BimBim agony auntIn addition to Wise Owls comments, maybe she got sick of being the one to usually initiate the contacts.

Text her, ask her out, meet for coffee, check out the local museum, depends where you live what you could make your first 'date' but its no good sitting around wondering what went wrong. YOU need to contact her.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 May 2014):

Maybe she's tired of a make-believe relationship between smart-phones. A text-message relationship does not substitute for the real thing.

Has it ever occurred to you that she would like to be with a guy who wants to actually spend some time with her?

Seriously, do you think you can conduct a relationship by text messaging alone?

She stopped texting; because she's tired of it. Maybe she has found someone who wants to actually take her out and have a face to face conversation. Even if she hasn't, you seem addicted to messaging. Maybe she decided that's not enough for her.

It's time to stop hiding behind your device; and actually try to interact directly with women, if you really like them.

She grew up.

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