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Questions about masturbation

Tagged as: Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (28 February 2009) 4 Answers - (Newest, 28 February 2009)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Hi. I've heard that women can tell if you mastrabate. Is that true? Also, (women) what do you think about guys who do it? I know it's natural and stuff, but really...


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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (28 February 2009):

As women we assume that all men masturbate so unless we catch you with your hands in your pants we won't look at you any differently to anyone else.

Personally I'm not keen on the idea of it, but I'm not keen on the idea of you farting either.

As long as I don;t know about it I'll merrily go on my way in life.

Good Luck!! xx

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A reader, anonymous, writes (28 February 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

cool, thanks guys (girls...)!

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A female reader, jessica04 United States +, writes (28 February 2009):

jessica04 agony auntDo you mean that women can see a difference in the penis? Well, I have never met a man who didn't masturbate, so I couldn't verify this... And I think most women by the time they lose their virginity are with a boy/ man who has masturbated... no way to tell.

I have no problem with a guy that masturbates. I know my BF does, and I'm not hurt by it. I mean I cant be there for him every single minute of the day. Sometimes he has to take care of himself, and the same goes for me. It's no big deal, and any girl who thinks masturbation is some odd form of 'cheating' needs to get a grip on reality.

Go to town and have fun with yourself!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (28 February 2009):

I personally cannot tell if a guy has or has not, and I don't care if he does it either.

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