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My girlfriend doesn't want to do anything physical anymore

Tagged as: Sex, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (1 February 2009) 4 Answers - (Newest, 2 February 2009)
A male Australia age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Ok, so we have been going out since March 2008, we had a 1 month break in november and we got back together.

Our relationship has always been great, but recently she got over the "honeymoon" stage and i havnt.

She has told me she doesnt want sex anymore. PERIOD.

I have asked her why countless times, and she says shes not in the mood. She just doesnt feel like it. She says wat if i just dont want to be that kind of person anymore?

She doesnt even want us to do anything else...She says

"if i wanted to get off, id just let you have sex with me, but i dont want too"

We are both turning 18 this year, and she is starting UNI. Which is very important to her.

But now she doesnt even want to kiss me passionately or something because she says everytime we do, i get horny. I said to her, if i get a *****, then just ignore it, i do.

Sig please help. I love her with all my heart i would do absolutely anything for her.

(oh and yes i do treat her like a queen!)

But i feel like this is going to come imbertween us because..i just have needs. Like very other guy and if i cant get them from the one i love..wat am i supposed to do?

View related questions: got back together, horny, in the mood, period

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 February 2009):

She's not just over the Honeymoon stage, I'm sorry to say she is over you! Don't waste your time, trying to understand the reasoning behind it, go out and find someone who will treat you with love and cater to your needs!

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (1 February 2009):

Sounds to me as though she doesn't really like you anymore. She might be more into someone else she met during your break.

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (1 February 2009):

If she doesn't want to be physical then she just wants to be friends. You don't have a boyfriend and then not even passionately kiss them.

Tell her that if she doesn't want the physical stuff any more then it might be best if you just go back to being friends. Then don't call a couple of days.

If she loves you then she'll come after you. If not then it just looks like she wants to be single for uni.

Good Luck!! xx

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (1 February 2009):

Maybe she wants to be sexually pure now, and feels guilt about having sex before marriage.?

It's worth asking.

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