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My ex is insulting me! What should I do?

Tagged as: Teenage, The ex-factor, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (28 February 2012) 5 Answers - (Newest, 29 February 2012)
A female Germany age 26-29, anonymous writes:

Hello Dear-Cupid-Team,

I'm having trouble with my ex. When i met him he was a real Mr Right but then he dumped me because of his ex. After that incident he totally cut me of. I found out he cheated on me - what he is doing at the moment with his temporary girlfriend - and was always lying to me but I didnt really mind. I didnt like him anymore.

Now I have another boyfriend and we're very happy. I love him deeply.

But now my ex is calling me a slut and a whore in front of my boyfriend. It really hurts me even if I don't have feelings for him anymore.

I even cried! I don't know what to do.

I don't want to loose my boyfriend because that arse tells him things about me that aren't true.

Thanks a million, R

View related questions: cheated on me, his ex, my ex

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (29 February 2012):

So_Very_Confused agony auntIgnore him. Have your BF ignore him. HE will stop. But you both have to TOTALLY IGNORE it. It will take a while.

He’s behaving like a child and you need to be the grown up folks here. I know it bothers you but it will be best if you just ignore him and do not even talk about it when he’s not around… really… pretend he does not exist.

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (29 February 2012):

So_Very_Confused agony auntIgnore him. Have your BF ignore him. HE will stop. But you both have to TOTALLY IGNORE it. It will take a while.

He’s behaving like a child and you need to be the grown up folks here. I know it bothers you but it will be best if you just ignore him and do not even talk about it when he’s not around… really… pretend he does not exist.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (29 February 2012):

Thanks for your advice.

My boyfriend knows my ex is lying - he knows that guy. But that doesn't change the fact that my boyfriend is stressed by my ex's "hey. how is my ex?" and "had fun with that whore?" and "is she a good lay? wait - don't tell me. i know already!" (by the way, i never slept with him. i'm still a virgin.)

I don't want my boyfriend to hurt him (he told me he'd want to punch my ex) but how do i make him stop?

Whenever my boyfriend tells him to shut up my ex is only saying "whoah, calm down mate. i'm just talking true. that girl is a slut. She's got the morals of an alley cat. and hey - she doesn't even love you. she's just with ya cause she couldn't have me"

I really down't know how he hid his asshole-behavoir so long but i kinda hate myself for falling for him.

And it really hurts me that he says such things about me. Wasn't it enough for him to break my heart?

Is there really no way to stop him? Apart from ignoring him and hoping he stops?

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A female reader, Dear Mandy United Kingdom +, writes (29 February 2012):

Dear Mandy agony auntHI

This is a case of ( if I cant have you , no one will ) regardless of the fact he dumped you. His ego is so far up his bum he cant even smell the roses any more. Be strong, be possitive, the boy your with knows you and knows he loves you so thats all that matters here. Ignore that boy, next time just say to him, " get a life, instead of involving yourself in mine" dont say another word or retaliate to anything else he has to say, he will soon get bored and move on.

Mandy x

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A female reader, Ms. Intuition Malawi +, writes (29 February 2012):

This ex of urs sounds like a real piece of work. Never mind him. He is saying all those mean things because he cant stand to see you happy...especially with someone else.

Just tell your current boyfriend that these things are untrue. And concentrate on your new relationship.

Don't retaliate or stoop down to his level. Don't engage him or try to reason with him. The attention will only make things worse. The best revenge here is to totally ignore him and remain happy in your new relationship.

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