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My boyfriend's boss was very flirty with me.

Tagged as: Dating, Three is a crowd, Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (23 December 2013) 3 Answers - (Newest, 24 December 2013)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Ok, awkward situation! Went to my partners christmas party Saturday night and i'd never met any of his colleagues or managers before.

When we got in I went to check my coat whilst he went to check the table plan. As I got there, there was a long queue and an older man  started making small talk with me about the weather etc...but then he asked if he could buy me a drink. I explained I needed to find my partner and he said "that's a shame, you are the most stunning woman in this place, he's a very lucky guy whoever he is"...

I went bright red, said than you and then left. 

I found my partner, who in meantime was chatting to his colleagues and when we went to sit down guess on was on our table - the guy who chatted me up who also happened to be my partners boss!!! 

My partner introduced us and through dinner everything was ok. As soon as my partner and colleagues left to have a cigarette his boss came to sit next to me and basically made a joke about what happened earlier - he apologised as he didn't realise who I was but continued to compliment me and then wanted to find  out  what I  did fir a living etc...then when my partner  came back his boss even said "you are a very lucky man, a beautiful and intelligent girlfriend, its a rarity these days."

At the end of the night I went to collect my coat and he followed me and gave me his business card and said "if things don't work out then give me a call" I told him I couldn't accept his card, so he slipped it in to my coat pocket and said "keep it just incase, it was nice meeting you." 

Honestly this has never happened to me before! I found out his boss wasn't married hence why he was so flirty.

I binned his card as soon as he was out of sight and haven't told my partner what happened- should I though?? I don't want to upset him and the job he has is really good with loads of benefits and he's worked hard to get where he is. On the other hand we are expected to attend a few more functions with his work and I don't want to bump in to his boss again. I could make excuses not to go...

What shall I do???

View related questions: christmas, flirt, older man

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A male reader, M Proops United Kingdom +, writes (24 December 2013):

He's clearly trying it on with you,i'd do my best to avoid him and keep it formal and him at arm's length like you have already.Tell your boyfriend he made you feel uncomfortable at the party.Was he like that with the other women guests?If you tell your boyfriend he might be more inclined to stay by your side more.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (23 December 2013):

Honeypie agony auntI would tell my BF that his boss is a horny old goat. You know I can just see this guy try and create a little "alpha male" attitude with your BF and then YOU will look a little guilty for not telling.

Though I think you did the right thing in NOT accepting his card and then throwing it out.

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A female reader, 123Peterpan United Kingdom +, writes (23 December 2013):

Be honest with your partner. The boss sounds like a loser that can't take no for an answer. It's cute that he thinks you're beautiful, but he should have just let the whole thing go the moment you mentioned your boyfriend. You absolutely did the right thing on the night. You kept it classy. Tell your boyfriend that he's a bit of a creep. If your boyfriend is smart enough he won't challenge him but instead keep an eye on his boss at the next function.

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