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My bf has trust issues for years now and I don't think any proof is enough for him. Do I stay or leave him?

Tagged as: Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (22 December 2007) 3 Answers - (Newest, 23 December 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

My boyfriend of 4 years thinks that i have cheated on him, which i haven't. This has been going on for years now and i don't no what to do.

I don't think he will ever believe me and there is no way for me to prove it. i love him so much, but i dont no if he feels the same any more. Do i stay or do i leave?

[Moderator's note. Please provide more details about what you think his insecurities orginated from, to what extent you are responsible etc]

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A male reader, Uraz Greece +, writes (23 December 2007):

Uraz agony auntLook straight in the eye, and tell him without blinking that you have always been loyal to him in every sense of the word.

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A male reader, Somethingeasy United States +, writes (23 December 2007):

Somethingeasy agony auntLeave him. He sounds oer zealous for no good reason. You need to find someone who can withstand you independence.

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A male reader, kenny United Kingdom +, writes (23 December 2007):

kenny agony auntIt hard to say why his is being like this, does his insecurities stem from a previous relationship, something from his childhood, or something that has happened in this relationship?. Anyway the bottom line here is if he carries on suspecting you like this the relationship is going to fold over time. You know you have done nothing, but in his mind he is creating all sorts of weird scenarios where you are up to foul play. If you love him as much as you say you have got to tell him to stop this, otherwise its just going to drive a massive wedge between the pair of you. Give him the opportunity to stop, but if after a couple of months he is still the same you may want to consider leaving him, but give him the chance to change first.

Good luck & merry christmas x

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