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Most of the time, we can only talk online. Then her replies are delayed and out of context. Also feel she is finding excuses to end the relationship. Your opinion?

Tagged as: Faded love, Online dating, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (17 September 2008) 1 Answers - (Newest, 17 September 2008)
A male United States age 51-59, anonymous writes:

My gf has been very busy reading news and joining online discussion about election.

When we met online, I need to wait a long time for her to reply the message. At least 10 minutes. The worse, the reply isn't actually a reply eg hahahahahaha or any other short response which doesn't answer my question at all.

I give her time hoping she reliased and will find a time so that we can have more quality time. It has been weeks. Then, I raised my concern but she doesn't say a word.

When I call or text, she never pick up and never return it. Most of the time, we can only talk online. Since she reply very slow and out of the topic, one day, I decided not to online. I have emailed her telling I am busy.

She found out I am lying by checking one my community site profile. She knows all my passwords because she asked for it. Later, she sent an email to me, verbal abuse like she always do and this time she add in get lost.

I feel that she is finding a lame reason to end the relationship. I told her before if she met another guy, she can just tell me, I will walk away because if she no longer in love with me, there is no reason for the relationship to keep going.

Whats your opinion? Is that I am wrong by lying? She can't even think for herself why I don't want to talk her online. I prefer meeting her or calling her that way we will enjoy the day more.

When there is a fight, I always be the wrong side saying sorry to her even I am not wrong. This time, I am not going to do that because she become so spoilt. Is that a correct thing for me to do? Or it is best for me to move on?


View related questions: met online, move on, text

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (17 September 2008):

So you are pretty much only online? This is a lot of pressure to put on a brief online friend.

Giving out your passwords was a stupid thing to do, she could have been anyone.

Get onto your accounts, change your passwords, send her an email and say that you can tell she is obviously not interested in being your friend any more and cut contact.

She is not worth you getting this upset about. There are thousands of girls out there in the real world who you could talk about the election to, as well as online. Chat away but don't put this heavy relationship stuff onto them until you have kissed them.

Good Luck!! xx

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