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Me, my husband and his mother! 3's a crowd, what can I do?

Tagged as: Marriage problems, Three is a crowd<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 February 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 24 February 2007)
A female United States age 36-40, *tephanie19 writes:

M e and my husband have not really had a sex life sence we had our baby but more and more i am realizing it is becuase be live with his mother and step father i hate it her it is driving me crazy...... but every time i even atempt to talk to my husband he tell she he dont care that he is ust to his mother running his life and doing what ever she wants it really bothers me that he said that how can i get him to truel listen to me ...

it is running our realitionship

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A female reader, atheana Ireland +, writes (24 February 2007):

i know how you feel .. as i 2 have lived with the inlaws but i think you need to take drastic action and give him a fright by leaving with the child for a few days if he does not want to make things better after this then i think you already have the answer...

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A male reader, fallenman United Kingdom +, writes (24 February 2007):

fallenman agony auntHi Stephanie,

Assuming your husband is not tied to his mother's apron strings I suggest you get on your local council's waiting list for accommodation. That will be your only solution baring his mother moving out.

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