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Long distance relationship, a guy and his emails. I'm confused.

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Question - (26 October 2008) 1 Answers - (Newest, 26 October 2008)
A female age 41-50, anonymous writes:

I've being having a long distance relationship with a guy I met a year ago as a customer. What it was supposed to be a simple email contact has become into a very special email relationship. We have talked on the phone once.

He's in the air force and gets deployed every 15 months or so. We've been in contact no matter where he is sent (that can be reachable by email). Recently he was on 4 month duty and was supposed to go back home on early October.

I waited for him to give me a shout but on the 15th I sent him a note to his regular email account. But he didn't replied. On Friday, he sent me from another email account a checking in message saying hello.

I asked him if he saw my message but he hasn't replied. Do you think he saw my message or the note he sent is something a guy would send out of the blue? I called his office and he hasn't pick up so I don't know what to think?

I would like to think he did thought of me, I mean why if he received my note didn't replied IT....?

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (26 October 2008):

Sweetie, he is in the military, and this means that sometimes he will disappear for a few days off the face of the earth.

Perhaps a part fell off a plane and they've all been working 24 hour days to get them back up to readiness.

Perhaps he's been off on a mission and the email and phone networks aren't secure enough to talk about it on.

Perhaps they are doing the hand over to the next guys so they can come home and every single nut bolt and paperclip has to be counted checked and signed for.

My husband is in Iraq and will sometimes give me an email saying that he is going to "Pizza Hut" next week - and then when he doesn't call for 3 weeks I know he is off doing something and being a secret squirrel.

It's only been a few days. You need to chill out and get on with your own life. When he goes away you CANNOT sit by the phone or the computer waiting for contact.

You will go insane.... trust me, I've been there and done that. You have to just go off and work and take up hobbies and join writers groups and write a novel and join tree planting groups and go and plant a rain forrest. Do anything! I know a woman who is a really well paid regional manager during the day and she got a job as a glass washer in the local pub in the evenings just to get her out of the house.

Good Luck!! xx

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