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Is this woman way out of my league?

Tagged as: Dating, Online dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (2 August 2015) 2 Answers - (Newest, 2 August 2015)
A male United States age , anonymous writes:

Hello, I've been talking to this woman for two years, she is 62, am 59, we finally met , a month ago, it went really good, we have been texting each other all most every day, but only on the dating site, I have gave her my number, but she only texts me on the dating site, well she is retired, I am am a regular guy, pay check to pay check, I do believe, she is very well off, her kind of job, an where she lives, she is way out of my league, she tells me, am very romantic, she didn't know I guy can be the way I am, she s on vacation right now, the last three weeks, she comes back, this weekend, but then in two weeks she gone again, for two weeks, I told her it be nice ,to take a walk in a park, holding hands, then maybe a nice place to eat . Is she way out of my league, for a guy like me. Thanks

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A male reader, Sageoldguy1465 United States +, writes (2 August 2015):

Sageoldguy1465 agony auntDon't EVER believe that you are "out of (some woman's) league". If she likes you... then, GO FOR IT.... If she doesn't want to hang with you... I'm sure she'll find many ways to let you know......

Good luck...

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 August 2015):

It depends. Is your interest in her heightened by her financial success; or are you truly captivated by her charms?

Chances are, she's wise and would know the difference.

What do you think?

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