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Is getting a makeover a good thing?

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Question - (13 October 2010) 3 Answers - (Newest, 14 October 2010)
A female United States age 36-40, *Bubbles writes:

I wanted to know if it's okay to get a makeover? I have been thinking about a makeover to improve my appearance and confidence. I don't wear makeup a lot and don't know how to apply it that good and also can't afford to go to a hair salon. I would like to have my hair styled nicely I hate the way my hair looks. I don't know where to start with this? have anybody ever gotten a makeup over and how does it make you feel.

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A male reader, The Realist Canada +, writes (14 October 2010):

The Realist agony auntA make over can be a great thing that can make you feel like a whole neww person. Although I've never gotten a make over like what you would be interested I did go one summer to buy all sorts of new clothes for a new style and it felt great. Sometimes a make over can help you realize how beautiful that you are and how little you have to do to change peoples attitudes so much. If you decide to do it I hope it turns out great and I hope you feel great afterwards too.

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A female reader, kirra07 Canada +, writes (14 October 2010):

I haven't gotten a whole makeover before, but sometimes I get bored and get my hair cut differently or spontaneously decide to get it dyed another colour. It's fun and makes me feel adventurous. But you're right, salons are expensive. So I'd advise getting a friend to dye your hair for you at home. Hair cut maybe not, better to go to a salon for a real hair cut. And make up you can ask a friend for tips or watch youtube people show you how it's done. And then practice. Make up can always wash off, so keep trying.

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A female reader, tennisstar88 United States +, writes (13 October 2010):

tennisstar88 agony auntMakeovers can be fun but unless you have a friend who works at the MAC counter and is going to hair school they can be pricey. Some of the makeup counters will do your face for 25-35 bucks..or they ask you to buy a certain $ amount of products. I had a woman do my whole face because she was bored, and I ended up buying a make up case from her. Just depends..Before you entrust someone to do a makeover on you, I would look around at hair magazines and find cuts/colors you ear as many as possible in that magazine. Also, if you're wanting to get a complete makeover, I would go in for a free consultation first. Since I can't master hair color over the counter, I go to the salon. I usually ask around or, you can look on craigslists for the salons near you that are having specials..or like I said if you have a friend in hair school it couldn't hurt to be their guinea pig.

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