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I'm worried that ex put naked photos of me on the internet

Tagged as: Online dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (22 October 2011) 3 Answers - (Newest, 23 October 2011)
A female Canada age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I was in an internet relationship with a man in a middle eastern country for 3 years. In the beginning I did cybersex with him and didn't have enough sense to keep my face off of it. I stopped doing it a few years ago but am terrified he might have recorded it even though he said he doesn't know how to record. I have looked through 1000s of archives thinking it must be out there and someone will see it.

I am very scared and feel a lot of guilt and fear. How can I let this go?

View related questions: cybersex, middle eastern, the internet

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A male reader, frankman United States +, writes (23 October 2011):

"fake it till you make it!" even if you cant stop thinking about it, try pretending you are. Believe me once you forget about it it will just berried in the past.

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A male reader, frankman United States +, writes (23 October 2011):

"fake it till you make it!" even if you cant stop thinking about it, try pretending you are. Believe me once you forget about it it will just buried in the past.

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A female reader, YouWish United States +, writes (23 October 2011):

YouWish agony auntI doubt that you'll see them on the internet, but you're right to be nervous about having cybersex. Not a good idea. However, you stopped 3 years ago. if he was going to post that on the internet, he would have done it by now.

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