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I'm very angry and can't calm down!

Tagged as: Health, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (14 February 2009) 6 Answers - (Newest, 13 May 2009)
A female Canada age 26-29, anonymous writes:

Hey, I've got a problem that won't go away!

I get very angry a lot and can't calm down, it may be because I've been rudley dumped (which might happen because of the temper) or becuase of other things. I really cannot calm myself down, though I try very hard. My mother has tried two therapists, which got me going, and I've tried (this'll sound ridiculous) meditation. But nothing's working!

I've hurt myself by hitting walls, people and other objects that aren't really too soft. I've fractured my hand so it's practically killing me. I need help! Even my family's avoiding me, which isn't making me feel too happy. I fear I might get depreesed, but I still think that even if I was I'd still be very anger prone.

Please help!

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A female reader, lover23 United States +, writes (13 May 2009):

hi my name is lover23 i would say you should listen to some nice music the kind you like.also i would try punching a pillow or punching bag maybe you should take a jog in nature park which means go to local park that has shadows and birds and lots of flowers and all around you or stuff that relax's you.well i hoped my answer helped.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 February 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

I have a puch bag and I wrestle with my older brother. But like him, whenever I get a little mad, I hit stuff.

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (15 February 2009):

Are you going to try any of the things that have been suggested?

I really think something as simple as a punch bag could help you.

Good Luck!! xx

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A reader, anonymous, writes (14 February 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Yes I had anger problems way before my first b/f, I've had it about all my life.

I guess that moving three times and my grandfather dying as well didn't help anything, and i wasn't even allowed to see him! ='(

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (14 February 2009):

Therapy and talking about it can only go so far.

It's quite common for teens to have real anger problems because anger can be caused by hormones and your body is awash with hormones right now because it's turning from a child into an adult.

Any chemical that can force your pelvis to double in size and you to grow breasts has to have some side effects.

Try going to a doctor, even something simple like going on the pill could help you as that will regulate your hormone levels.

Also, try taking up a sport like Karate, or even joining a boxing club. You don't have to actually fight real people, but having exercises and punch bags to use has got to be better for your hands (and your family and friends and breakable objects) than anything else.

Good Luck!! xx

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A reader, anonymous, writes (14 February 2009):

Hi sorry not a solution - just more questions - were you angry before you were dumped? Who controls you? is it you? What goes through your head as you get angry? - my mum for example gets angry when she is really sad or frustrated at something like someone being ill and she cant help, so expresses this as anger (not good if you are in hospital).

you can see the solution really, just not yet how to get there and have taken steps here to sort this and you can sort it. you are at a fun time in life - live.

ps If you cant sort it maybe become a westler?

Hugs OS.X.

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