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I'm 19 and want sex! Should I just get it over with?

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Question - (4 July 2010) 5 Answers - (Newest, 4 July 2010)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I'm 19 and I kinda want to have sex but have not really found the person...Sometimes I just want to get it over with and have that amazing feeling that everyone talks about...Should I wait for the right person or just get it over with???

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A female reader, EbonyBlossom United Kingdom +, writes (4 July 2010):

EbonyBlossom agony auntFirst time sex never feels great for anyone, so there is no point rushing into it because it's not gonna be great at first anyway. Just wait until you're in a relationship. Better that you sleep with someone you care about and whose sexual history you are aware about. Don't hurry. You're time will come =]

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A female reader, Pinkpies United Kingdom +, writes (4 July 2010):

The top person is right ... that 'amazing' thing didn't happen until about 7 years after being active for me ..... that was down to us both being experienced.

You will only get the 'amazing' when you really like someone, or when you and someone else have a bit of experience and match each other well.

Getting it over with is a tough one. I def don't advise rushing anything ..... the more you like some, the more turned on you will be, and the easier it will be to sleep with them. I ended up getting it over with with someone when I was 18.... I can't say it was anything special at all, I did make sure he liked me though, and was willing to wait, so I didn't feel pressured.

I know it starts to feel more like a burden than something to save the older you get. But even if you wait another year or two, at least you are giving yourself the chance to find someone nice.


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A female reader, chigirl Norway +, writes (4 July 2010):

chigirl agony auntThis amazing feeling you hear people talk about come with experience, the right type of person, and ... practice. In other words, if you find a man to have sex with one time you are not going to feel that great. Not the second time either, unless you find a man who is a superhero in bed.

If all you want is sex and just have it over with, sure go ahead, any man will do. If you want to actually enjoy sex and feel great you should wait for someone to be in a relationship with that you can explore together with.

The most important thing in feeling good when it comes to sex though: be attracted to each other. Don't just pick a random guy because he has a penis. Find someone you actually think is gorgeous.

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A female reader, Elydiese United Kingdom +, writes (4 July 2010):

I'm 19 the same as you in the same situation but no i say wait for someone who really cares for you and wants to be with you it'll be worth it in the long run

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (4 July 2010):

Hi, I have no idea how much excited u r to have sex but it should always be your own decision. Do not take decisions in influence(good or bad) of any thing, any incident or anybody or just to show off. You will be receiving many suggestions by many experts on this topic, but do what ever you think is good for you and to all the people close to you (whether they know it or not, but they will get effected by your step).

Always play safe :).

all the best.

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