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If a guy goes that far with you on a first date, what does it mean?

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Question - (15 March 2010) 9 Answers - (Newest, 15 March 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

ok, so i met this guy and we talked and flirted for about a week. then we were hanging out and he asked if he could kiss me....i said yes and we started to kiss. it was great at first but then he started touching me everywhere and he asked me to touch him back...down there if you know what i mean

if a guy goes THAT far with you on the first date, what does it mean?

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (15 March 2010):

The fact that he wanted to be physical with you is pretty natural for a guy and doesn't mean he doesn't see you as a potential long term mate at all. This concept that he's only in it for the sex is entirely untrue. The idea that a woman must be in charge of doling out physicality at the risk of not doing something she wants to do is BS. Do or don't do what you want. Some guy who judges you based on reciprocating his intimate advances is probably a complete loser and hypocritical.

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A male reader, escribanus New Zealand +, writes (15 March 2010):

escribanus agony auntIt means that you need to learn how to choose men. If you are not a fast mover and a sexually aggressive girl, you must check out the kind of signals you are sending, the kind of guys you are attracted to.

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A male reader, CaringGuy United Kingdom +, writes (15 March 2010):

He wants sex and very little else.

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A female reader, Live Love n Learn Australia +, writes (15 March 2010):

It means he just wants to get into your pants !

If that doesn't suit you move on & find someone who want's to go the same speed you do...and figure out first what you're speed is !

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A female reader, mystiquek United States + , writes (15 March 2010):

mystiquek agony auntIt means he's horny, wants sex and wants to see if you'll go along with it. He will push as hard as you will allow him to and go as far as you will allow things to go. If you're looking for a nice relationship with a guy who will respect you, this isn't that kind of guy. Plain and simple. If you just want sex, he's up for it.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (15 March 2010):

It could mean a lot of different things. First, Marieclaire is right, he wants sex. Whether or not that's NECESSARILY a bad thing is up in the air. He may, for example, just be used to fast movers. My second girlfriend exposed her bare chest to me before the end of our first date. It kinda freaked me out, and I paused to ask her 'Just how far do you want this to go...?' We ended up having sex.

I've been married to her for ten years and running.

On the other hand, he could be interested in just sex, which may well not be something you're interested in... I would talk to him, let him know that you aren't prepared to move that fast, and that if he wants to persue a relationship, he's going to need to take his time.

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A female reader, adamantine Australia +, writes (15 March 2010):

adamantine agony auntYeah, he wants sex. Learn to say no, because men can be very pushy when it comes to physical closeness. This will help you determine their intentions with you.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (15 March 2010):

ummm what do you think it means?

I guess its up to you what you want

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A male reader, serenity80 United Kingdom +, writes (15 March 2010):

A lot of guys will probably go as far as they can get with a girl. If you want him to see you as girlfriend material then don't go all the way with him. Show him you have boundaries and limits as to how far you will go with him. If he is a decent guy, he will respect that and never make you feel pressured in to going further than you want to go.

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