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I need opinions on this. What's the difference between love and lust?

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Question - (6 August 2009) 4 Answers - (Newest, 6 August 2009)
A female United Kingdom age 41-50, *lairyfairy writes:

What's the difference between love and lust? Loving someone or lusting after someone?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (6 August 2009):

Lust: A tingle of the pants

Love: A tingle of the heart.

When you think of him, is it of how amazing he looked in that black, button up shirt the other night, or how his ass looked in those faded blue jeans, and how his crooked little smile nearly melted you, and his big blue eyes seemed to look straight into your soul, and how his long, curly eye lashes create that twinkle in his eyes, and how his big, kissable lips feel on your neck.. or his cowboyboots and the sound they make when he walks up behind you and wraps his arms around you.. *(pant pant.. getting heated thinking about husband.. )*

Or do you think about the way his face lights up when he laughs or smiles, how gently he grabs your hand and walk you through the candy aisle at the grocery store so you don't stop to grab everything, or how goofy it is when he starts his rants on animals, because he knows a TON about them, or how annoying yet loveable it is when he starts trying to teach you fighing techniques, as if you ACTUALLY care.. or how he always stops you when you go to get the mail and does it for you because "it's SUCH a long walk and you should just rest inside.."

*sigh.* The first one is lust, the latter is love. As you can see, i feel both. Take care,


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A reader, anonymous, writes (6 August 2009):

Lust: You want their body.

Love: You want their mind and all their little irritations - and some big ones - as well.

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (6 August 2009):

When you love them you want to get old with them and don't mind seeing them cry and throw up and leave not nice smells in the bathroom.

When you lust after them, you just want it to be perfect and hold them and kiss them and have sex with them.

Imagine them after you've been with them for a few years and the sex has dried up and you've talked about everything and all those little niggly things about them add up to being REALLY annoying.

Good Luck!! xx

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A female reader, justme..x United Kingdom +, writes (6 August 2009):

justme..x agony auntA really debatable question, but my opinion is along the lines of something like -

lust is more physical attraction, more "wanting" someone, and love (though it has many definitions) is a lot deeper than that. I wrote an article recently about mislabelling crushes as love. When you have a spare minute, perhaps you'd like to read it, it might possibly provide some more opinions and answers to your question ...?

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