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I need a job. I have social anxiety. But now I have a fear of going outside. How can these issues be addressed?

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Question - (15 July 2016) 3 Answers - (Newest, 16 July 2016)
A female Canada age 30-35, *ap123 writes:

It's very hard for me to go outside.

The thought me leaving the house makes me feel very anxious. I feel safer indoors. I don't go out til it's necessary for me too, like an appointment. I don'the leave my bed either.

I need a job, but i'm afraid to apply, it seems every job I get, people seem to hate me and fire me. My last employment, most people were so rude to me, especially the manager and she would gossip about me to other workers and they were very demeaning to me and I just took it.

I'm not used to defending myself.I was abused by my own mother growing up.

I was never allowed to go out, I was never allowed to have friends, she physically and verbally abused me and no one cared to help. I feel angry all the time, my aggression is mostly towards my family. I hate feeling like this, I feel so lost.

I also have social anxiety, but it's never stopped me from going out. So what's wrong with me?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (16 July 2016):

sounds like you have something that is crippling you in life and socially.

seems like the sensible thing to do is to get pro help

deal with the SA and the depression or whatever it is keeping you in bed all day

you aren’t afraid to apply for a job --- you have no tools to cope with life situations most people do without thinking about it and basically you are stuck

sorry to hear you were abused, it’s quite common that someone who is angry at parents or people they were dependent on winds up in depression and stuck. you know youre angry so that’s a start --- get yourself some help see your doctor --- who knows what will work for you, talk therapy meds etc --- but staying home in bed pretty much guarantees that you’ll wind up staying home in bed all the time

be brave ask for help

you can do it

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A female reader, Andie's Thoughts United Kingdom +, writes (15 July 2016):

Andie's Thoughts agony auntCounselling. You need to get counselling to help with your anxiety and anger issues, so that you can function properly in life, not just a job. You'll need to tackle your anxiety and the issues with your mum that caused your anger issues, as well as the apprehension you have about work after what happened before.

You can do this, but you'll need professional help to, or you'll be stuck retreating into your bed for a lot longer.

Good luck!

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (15 July 2016):

Honeypie agony auntMaybe consider working on your anxiety issues first? Like find a therapist and work through it? THEN when you feel you have to tool to deal more with the "outside world" (as in apply for jobs). Deal with your anxiety AND anger issues, neither will help you in the work place. OR maybe consider looking into jobs you can do at home with minimal human contact.

Also I don't know how it is in Canada but I do know that in many countries unemployment centers have free courses in writing applications/resumes and how to do interview. Maybe you can look into what's available when you are in a better place mentally?

As for how you were treated in the workplace - that is appalling, and I see why you are hesitant to seek a new job. BUT... not all places are going to be like that.

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