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I love her so much but sometimes, she turns 'cold' on me. How do I know if she feels the same?

Tagged as: Dating, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 January 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 22 January 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Just need your help on a situation that's a complete mess in my head. Basically I'm in love with another female. She's in her early 30's, I'm in my early 20's. I can't explain what it is, but I've never felt such feelings for anyone ever in my life before.

We get on well, and sometimes I believe that the feeling is mutual, but then she can turn around and be so cold toward me. I don't know if she is a lesbian or not. I know she has had boyfriends, but she also said she had a boyfriend just for the hell of it, with no real love there. Is there any way of knowing how she may feel??

It's driving me insane the way I feel, and not being able to say anything makes it so much harder. I don't want to lose a friend, but I don't know if I can cope with this lonely secret either.

Please help me.... I need some advice.

Thanks xx

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A female reader, Laura1318 Malaysia +, writes (22 January 2008):

Laura1318 agony auntDo not seek for answers when there is none. Just live from day to day and enjoy doing things with her. Be happy in the little things you share together.When the time is ripe, you will find your answers.

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A female reader, Lee-Doll United Kingdom +, writes (19 January 2008):

Lee-Doll agony auntSeems to me that your friend could be confused maybe? Lots of people, however young or old, still get confused about their sexuality. So perhaps, in realising that you like her, she's still trying to figure out how she feels towards you.

When she acts cold it could be because she wants to feel the same way, but doesn't know what to do about her boyfriend. It's a tough situation to be in.

You can either give her time to come to her own conclusion. Or speed up the process by asking her outright. This could end in hurt, but, it would be worth knowing. Rather than clinging on to something that might not even be there.

So the decision is yours. Always has been always will be.

Good Luck

and God Bless


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