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I love both my wife and her sister!

Tagged as: Family, Marriage problems, Sex, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (2 July 2010) 5 Answers - (Newest, 2 July 2010)
A male India age 36-40, anonymous writes:

hai my name is gopal

am married with a girl, and she was my friend later we loved each other and got married. but later because of some issues some gap formed and this is mainly because sex. she is a sick often she will become sick so i wont ask her for sex, but she understood wrongly that am having other relationship with someone else.. at that time i was not actually

but now her younger sister is very much interested with me and we had sex but not finished before that stage, and i like her very much as she is equal to my sex taste and she will do whatever i say. she is very stuburn to marry me iam also planning to keep her we both spoke much about this and after that we took a desicion. but still i want to know if i have sex with both of them often will that spoil my wife health and her sister health or mine....

but i wont have sex often with my wife weekly once is itself doubt . . also she has some periods and white exit problem but her sister dosent have any sexual peoblem

please tell me what i can do. i want both of them i cant leave anyone.. .. i love both of them

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A female reader, ctds001 United Kingdom +, writes (2 July 2010):

What a mess.

You will lose both of them and their parents will be Royally annoyed with you also.

It may seem like a win/ win game for you now but this is definately going to blow up in your face.

Be ready to face the consciences!

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A female reader, Gabrielle Stoker United States +, writes (2 July 2010):

Gabrielle Stoker agony auntWell, the BEST thing you could do is to leave them both alone.

In any case, you don't deserve your wife. Your sister-in-law, on the other hand, comes across as an immoral and callous person, just like you. Maybe the two of you do deserve each other.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 July 2010):

no matter what face you put on it...this is just wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. i do understand attractions, honestly i do, but the truth is you have to sometimes make a choice to do the right thing. and the right thing is not to bed your wife and her sister. just saying....mal

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 July 2010):

This will be hard to hear, but you made a commitment to your wife. To break that would be to hurt her so deeply it might never mend. Cheating on her is slightly unacceptable. Well, very unacceptable. You have a duty to her, to take her "in sickness and in health"... and from the way she sounds, she needs you to be there for her, not off having sex with her sister.

Another thing, sex is not everything. Your wife is not your sex toy, she should mean more to you than such. If not, maybe you do need out of the marriage.

And I hate to tell you this, but unless you believe in polygamy, YOU CANNOT HAVE THEM BOTH. Choose, the woman that comes with frequent sex, no promise of marriage, and very awkward family events, or the woman that you made a lifelong vow to?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (2 July 2010):

you deserve neither

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