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How to maintain at least the possibility?

Tagged as: Dating, Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 March 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 26 March 2009)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I have known this girl a few months, and after long and careful thinking I have decided that I do not know is SHE specifically is the one I want, but she definitely matches the type of person I want to be with.

We have been out three times as friends (we are in university together, study different courses and have completely distinct circles of friends - it was only by chance we met). Twice for coffee and once for a walk.

I haven't tried to hide the fact that I like her as more than a friend, that would probably be a bad thing to do. But at the same time I don't like to make it explicitly clear.

I did ask her out for a walk and a meal (based on advice I got here), and she never replied to met. My thoughts are that it was a bit too soon. Though when we last met it was her idea to go for a walk

Anyway, she said that she had been invited to do other things that day but had told people no because she was going for a walk with a friend. I am kind of thinking hmm ok friend, but at the same time she'd rather see me than other people she probably knows better.

I gave her a gift, as it had it been her birthday the day before. I didn't make it clear though it was a birthday gift.

There has been enough to make me think she isn't completely uninterested as such, but doesn't know me well enough or something be actually interested.

I don't want to ask her out again for anything more than a coffee or a walk for now, but I am wondering what I could do just to see if I can create some interest or at the very least present myself as being someone who might be interested in more than friendship.

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A female reader, kellyxxx United Kingdom +, writes (26 March 2009):

kellyxxx agony auntIf she hasn't shown specific interest then she's not that bothered about you! The best thing is to move on! You could do better than someone who is like this!x

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