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How do you get a boy to like you? Any tips?

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Question - (20 October 2006) 51 Answers - (Newest, 24 October 2010)
A female , anonymous writes:

hi im 15... how do u get a teenage boy to fancy you?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 October 2010):

my adivce is when your with ur group of friedns look at him and when he sees u wait a few seconds and turn ur head and after doing that a couple times he will start staring at u to and notice that maybe u r the right girl for him

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A male reader, UnluckyEdd United Kingdom +, writes (18 August 2010):

ok lookin dowwn this there was 1 guy that posted, and the rest ae girls so i suggest that what ya do is just try and talk to him, i know it sounds stupid but some of us do like to talk, and listen too beleive it or not :P wht im tryin to say is, dont get mega flirty just be yourself

dont put loads of make up on just a little so we know hat you are confident

and third well we cant tell if you girls liike us so if ya can. please just tell him at some point :D

good luck anyways

lots of love



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A female reader, mrs help United Kingdom +, writes (2 January 2010):

Here are some tips...

never play "hard-to-get" cos think about it you love the guy,right? well,you want to have him and have him now! (+ teenage boy don't like "Hard-to-get"

What to do is be yourself, if you don't then your having what people call L.L ( lie love you can tell what it is by the name) and you don't want L.L

Maybe have a bit of make-up on but don't over do it,cos (if you've got to much make-up on) he's gonna be lovin the make-up not you your self.

And don't flirt if you don't how to,if you really want to or the guy you know likes girls firting then (trust me it works) practice with someone you really trust won't make fun of you and will help you, or you can practice by your self in the mirror (so you no if you look stupid or not while your doing it.)


And remeber be your self

and if he says no, well its not the end of the world and don't stop it from asking any1 else out!!!

Good luck


Mrs Help


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A female reader, mzefron Australia +, writes (16 June 2009):

My Soccer Buddy

Theres a guy on my street, a soccer player, and the cutest one i'v seen.

I had a crush on him, ever since i saw him.

And every afternoon we go downstairs to play tips or soccer, and i started flirting with him, and he was flirtacious himself. I then told him i liked him, before i left for overseas, and while i was there, i talked to him, and he told me that he missed me, and when i got back from my holiday, he really wanted to see me, so 2 days after i came back i went downstairs, and he was really flirtacious and i went to one of the buildings because we were playing tips, and he was in, so i told him if he wanted to tip me, he had to hug me, being flirtacious myself, and he did. And ever since we met, hes been flirtacious and he never said "mwa" after a conversation and he does now, and im starting to get the feeling that he has something for me, but i dont want to ask him, because i'll sound desperate. But i'v been myself. And now because he knows i like him .. its kind of awkward, but i try and make it the least awkward as possible, and a couple of days earlier, my mother saw me with them and she told me off in front of them, and that was so embarrassing and he went home, and later that afternoon i spoke with him and he told me he was sad because i went inside, so i got a feeling he likes me. but i dont know what to do .. we've been friends for half a year, and i really like him.

But some advice is, be yourself, you want him to like you for who you are not what you are, and make sure your flirtacious, but not TOO much, you dont want him to thinkk your freakishly in love with him, when your around him, dont cross your arms, this gives boys a sign your not interested, and if you hear him talking about another girl, just act depressed and sad and walk away,, this way he'll know and hopefully stop .

thanks for reading my story.

soccer buddy lover. x

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 January 2009):

well there are all sort of ways but the best way is to flirt with him first then make friends with his best mate. then you become friendswith him,do a bit more flirting after and when you think he likes you a bit ask him out!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (7 January 2009):

well u cant force someone to like u but take extra time doing make up and stuff then just smile at him and talk to him all the time it helps

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A female reader, xlilchelsiex United Kingdom +, writes (4 January 2009):

You want a guy to notice you, and ask you out! Well i had the same problem, but after you follow these simple rule's getting a boy is really easy!Nom..

1.First make friends with the boy, asking him out straight away will lead to him thinking your desperate.

2.Make sure you always make your self look presentable, wear clothes that your comfatable in(but don't ever plaster yourself in make-up, nobody like's a fake)

3.Once you and this boy are friends, let him no that you like him, this will keep the door unlocked.

4.Play hard to get, but not too hard to ge oterwise he will think your not interested.

5.If he like's you back he should ask you out, dont say yes straigt away this will indicate that you have been waiting for him, and nobody like's a stalker.

6.Last tip, just be Yourself, and tell the truth at all costs.


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A female reader, anonymous, writes (14 July 2008):

To get a guy to like you? hmmm? well, be yourself. dont lie to him about ANYTHING seriously because boys hate liars. And try not to make it obvious that you like him, as a matter of fact, dont bring up the subject of "love and relationships" untilhe does. because when he brings it up than that means he is ready for the if you guys do establish that relationship where ou guys know your feelings for each other and it tuns out 2 be more than "jus friend" you must remember not to overdo it. give him his spce. the more you try to go after him and be with him, the faster he will get tired of you and pretty soon he will think you are annoying and lose interest. the more interest you show in him, the more he has you in his clutches and the more likely it is that he will tae advantage of you and yor feelings. he really may not be interested because you already chased him away with your annoyance, but if you are still interested and making it super obvious he knows tat he can get whatever he wants out of you whenever he wants an you, blinded by love, will be wlling to do whatever he wants and fall for is tricks. BE CAREFUL!! I hope this helps..

amanda 33

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A female reader, jessi_x United Kingdom +, writes (6 July 2008):

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

First of all, do you know this boy?

if so:

just be yourself, but add a little bit of what he likes into you. when you're around him try and always seem upbeat and positive. support him, but dont make it too obvious that you like him, other wise he may try and pull away. try and spend quite a bit of time with him. work what you have!! make him love you for you. dont go and being someone you're not because after a while, it wears off and you lose sight of who you really are. im 13 and my bf is 16. when i met him, he was a quiet boy in the corner, i made the first move of going and saying hi, and then just talking to him. i didnt make it look like i fancied him. just gradually become alot closer to him. and it should work. good luck!

luv jess x x x

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (19 June 2008):

hia im like that i want a teenage boy to fancy me but my advise is to be your self and to have fun being single for now if you dont think about it and i know its hard but if you show everyone your having fun then they will want to hang round with you moe and respect you more and befoe you know it you will have a sexy hunk on your arm lol all my love danielle 16

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (16 June 2008):

Well, I know many people say don't pile on makeup & don't wear what some people think are silly clothes (eg mini denim skirts) but that's what most boys like nowadays!!

Look nice in school as often as you can & the word will spread that your even more gorgeous than you started out to be!!Also most importantly let your personality shine through as even though boys want pretty s their personality will lead them to dislike you!

Don't wear too much makeup.. Just put on mascara, eyeliner, lipgloss & a bit of foundation, but put it on lightly!!Boys love the natural look!Also wear a denim mini skirt once in a while & show off those gorgeous legs!! (HINT-fake tan or tights!!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (9 June 2008):

you totally egnore him but when hes on his own laugh at his jokes and think of him as a really good m8

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (31 May 2008):

well u dress pretty i dress nicely every day to get the boy i like to be intersted

dress in brands some times

like roxy



and quicksliver

always shower act normal around the person u like

flirt some times

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (15 May 2008):

Try to look your best and get his attention cos there's this boy my friend and i really fancy and we have been doing this stuff and chatting to him and he has started to take a like to us... A lot! :-) Also be youself and actually talk to him, coz ya might find out he is a snobby pig and then u might think twice next time. Hope this helps.

Ellie xxx

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (11 May 2008):

be nice to them,make them laugh, and support them in any way you can. Try and say you have the same things in common when you get chatting, (thats even if they like you)and smile but to nobody else. he'll soon realise that you like him and he might go for it. well good luck anyway

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (20 April 2008):

you have to be patient and get his attention...never by laughing at others or making jokes of his friends...You should know what does he like about you..If he loved you in sexy clothes try to put them on (different one every day) as often as you know you'll be able to see him.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 March 2008):

dont wear loads of make-up and just be yourself !

the guy will like you for you and not for what u pretend to be and

if he dont like you then thats just life

just talk and first impressions are the key to craeting a relationship !

dont be fake !

cause the guy will just up and leave

and find sum over gal]oh mainly DONT BE AN EASY CATCH

play hard to get and dont give him what he wants

ocasionally do but not all the time !

wb soon xx

ashton x

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (12 March 2008):

FLIRT, FLIRT, and more FLIRT with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (9 March 2008):

Just be normal, talk to him. once you get to know him you can ask him out.

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A female reader, tabara United States +, writes (9 March 2008):

Just be yourself and pretend like he do not exist if he love to call you names it mean that he is always thinking about you and want you to pay attention to him,also pretend like you do not hear what he say walk pas him every time he look at you so that he can get more inters in you sorry for the mistake are make.And also do not talk to him every time.thinks are hope are help

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (3 March 2008):

ok if you want a boy to lie you you need to shwo him what hes missing.Act confident and happy!Dont start getting silly and immature around him be flirty and show him your in control but act mystrious..make him want more.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (2 March 2008):

hi you should whash every day so you don't smell and wear perfume and makeup then you just got to flirt flirt flirt

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A male reader, Dave70 United States +, writes (2 March 2008):

Dave70 agony auntThe 1st thing you are going to have to do is change ur mentality. A boy is lucky if you like him so it ain't the other way around. You start thinkin like that and the boys will start knockin down your door.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (2 March 2008):

Well I've asked this question 5 million times and always get the same answer...

1st: you cant "get" a guy to like you

2nd: be you not britney spears (if ya know what I mean)

3rd: dont try just do

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (29 February 2008):

i think you should be yourself smile be happy if oyur confidnet people will notice that and like it make sure your nice to people and be polite if you like someone try and find out there similarties to you so you have something to have a conversation with wish you luck kim

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A female reader, DarkPrincess United Kingdom +, writes (19 February 2008):

Well basically, you cannot force someone to fancy you. Just be yourself and do not change what you are. Talk to him alot, be friendly to him and somewhat he might come around and ask you out. Ty to be friends with him and try a little flirting with him guys love that.

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A female reader, jellypeople Pakistan +, writes (19 February 2008):

alright now... I think you should act normal infront of whatever you want to be! you dont need to do any effort to make him like you..if he likes you the way you are then only he deserves you. Rememeber one thing, when u MAKE a guy like you it eventually makes life harder for you become you have to keep up with making him liking u...if he likes you himself then thats the best thing because then it would be like HE is asking you out and then you get all the pampering...;)

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (12 February 2008):

I want a males point of view. I am tring to get a boyfriend not a girl friend!!!!!!!!!!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (25 January 2008):

ALl i can say is to be yourself. That is it. Be crazy dont get nervous and shy when you are around him. I know it might be hard but why stick with a guy if he cant accept you for who you really are?! Tell him how you feel about him, if he doesnt feel the same way, move on why wait on someone that doesnt like you back, why try? you know!?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (22 January 2008):

what u do is every time you meet him make eye contackand smil stay relaxt and lisen to him.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (13 January 2008):

hey to get a boy to fancy you you just need to be yourself

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 December 2007):

i too like a boy hes really cute im afraid to talk to him, but sometimes he talks to me. im in 6th grade and i get really nervouse around him. i really like him but i dont know what to say to him. he's really nice and his name is Nick. Ive known him for a year cause thats when he moved to my town. My friend Elizabeth tried to make friends w/ him but i was too shy.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (26 November 2007):

you cant force a boy to want to go out with you , i am in a simlar situation i really fancy a boy and so does my best friend and people say he fancies me but he hasnt asked me out and its been ages just try not to act stupid and fridged around a boy. but be yourself and let him know you are intrested , hget one of his close friends who is also your friend to speak to him.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 November 2007):

you just be your self. I bet you've heard that plenty times before so just think about it. Trust me I know I'm in a situation right now where my best friend likes the same guy I do and she knows it. I'm only in the 6th grade. Once you read this you might not want to listen to me. So if you don't want

to don't. I just really like this boy. if he doesn't like me then how come he never stops messing with me?!?!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (4 November 2007):

I total believe that u can get anybody to like you!

think off it like a mission!

just remember that guys need to be visically attracked to you before they can gtet to know you so make sure you always look nice.

secondly get contacts with his friends so u can go places with them and they will talk to the boy about u whne ur not there

and thirdly remeber time! it takes time. sometimes girls rewin there chances by rushin.

complete the mission!


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A female reader, anonymous, writes (21 October 2007):

b e your self around him and make a lot of eye contact and smiling if he likes you he will respond if he dosent then thats it go for another bo. bye

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (21 October 2007):

tell him you like him i did that and now i am with the boy xx good luck

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A female reader, pwincess United Kingdom +, writes (14 September 2007):

pwincess agony auntNo one can make a boy to like you hunny, I'm only 15 and i hav found tha out the hard way. my best advice which sound rubbish but is true is just to be your self and flirt, flirting is good it may make him like you but its good practice as well!!!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (25 August 2007):

well i liked this boy, and my friends said he liked me too, but i kinda only wanted to consider him a guy bestfriend.

and when i told him about this, he laughed, and it seemed akward because EVERYBODY started saying that crapp! anyways, hahah.. you should try to talk to him more often. be like whats up? talk about new movies, songs, sports, school, girls, and homework and stuff and slowly you too will get to know eachother better, and will talk more often and eventually he will like you, don`t try to hard hunn.

he will ask you out, anytiem soonn.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (9 August 2007):

If you really like a guy dont be obnoxious , dont hang or drule all over him because most guys i know dont find that attractive.Be patient and let everything happen on it's own and eventually everything you've ever dreamed of having with that boy you like will happen as long as you are true to yourself and you can except his good and his bad points.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (19 July 2007):

Be Flirty

Change little things about yourself

Try to like things he like like baseball or chess or whatever

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 June 2007):

give him a reason to like . find out what he likes i'm not saying stalk him just get the scoop on him then go for it . if it doesn't work out there r more guys don't just wait for 1 on less u like him then it changes

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 January 2007):

boyz remember 1 thing girls have feelings too!! girlz can be very senctive when you say things like ur way to ugly for me to even think about sayin hello let alone likein you we all need to remember its not just about looks e.g do they do things thet make you laugh,do you feel happy when you are with them? iv been with some gd lookin boys in the past but not 1 of them has made me happy.i fined that boyz change when they are with there m8z thats 1 thing that all girls hate you ask every girl you no and im shure they will say the same.the most importent thing is be you'r salf not some1 your not.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (29 November 2006):

If you want a guy to grow on you don't be afraid to say hi to him in the hall ways,just be casual and try not to stand out too much or else he will think your desperate. Eventually he will soon start to see your true colors and he will realize your not so "in the face". Guys like to see you have patience because this way they don't feel preasured.Good luck hunn!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 November 2006):

Hia, it is easy advice just be yourself and see what happens, If he does not see you in that way then just take it, cause there will be a boy who likes you for you. once you know he does like you just start some simple flirting like touch him on his arm or knee when talking to him and see how he replies to you. Good Luck

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (14 November 2006):

if i were you i get him to look more at you then he does like dress pretty talk to him more

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 October 2006):

First of all you should learn to like yourself because boys like confidance in girls,

also you try and get the confidance to chat to the ones you like be natrel dont waffle on dont try and be one of the boys if you like football/sports great talk about it! if not dont pretend you do,Try t.v programs or films or holidays small talk to begin with also when you get more secure touch there arm to create a spark between you just fleetingly also eye contact but dont overdo it,

Even if some do end up as friends its always great to have boy-mates you will probebly end up with the right lad for you when you least expect it, so dont try despately whats ment to be will be in the mean time have fun Enjoy yourself your only 15 once Good Luck, Ditzy Blonde Chick :)

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A female reader, Ne'cee +, writes (20 October 2006):

Ne'cee agony auntact as if you dont like him. Men want what they believe they cant have. Good luck

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A reader, anonymous, writes (20 October 2006):

Teenage guys are still trying to work out what they like themselves. Most of my guy mates, who are about 15, say that sometimes they like girls who are pretty, who are clever, who are mysterious, who are mega-flirts, and those who are more reserved. So really, as the other two answers state, be yourself, then although you probably won't attract EVERYONE, you will attract people who are 'into' your kind of person.

I asked my best guy mate about this, and he said that all the girls that he likes, and has liked, have confidence in themselves. They believe that they're fabulous, and this self-belief is infectious, and doesn't come across as too confident. sbw1989 is right, guys don't like rejection. Especially when they are young and still quite unsure of themselves, their bodies and what's going on around them, dispite the front many guys put on.

My personal tip is... just be friendly, I used to try so hard to flirt with guys, and it never really got me anywhere, cos frankly I wasn't that good at it, I kept putting myself down and suffered from insecurity.

But now, I'm a bit older, and am happy to be me. I've got tons of guy mates, who are PERFECT to practice flirting with, and every now and then, I've found the greatest boyfriend in them.

My best friend has a motto, Work like you don't need the money, dance like no-one's watching, and flirt like you're in demand! And most probably, you will be!!!

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A female reader, Beckah United Kingdom +, writes (20 October 2006):

Beckah agony auntBasically be yourself. Don't make yourself out to be somebody that your not, because A) you don't want him liking that side of you and B) you are fine just the way you are, you don't need to change for anyone. If he doesn't like you the way you are, take it in your stride and find somebody who does.

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A female reader, sbw1989 United Kingdom +, writes (20 October 2006):

sbw1989 agony auntThe answer is simple:

don't pretend to be someone you're not, don't pile on make-up, don't get a friend to tell said teenage boy you fancy them, don't be overkeen, yet don't blow them off if they speak to you and don't EVER do anything you're uncomfortable with.

Most importantly, what you DO do is be yourself completely. Any guy that doesn't like you for that is not worth knowing at all.

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