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How can I get over my cheating ex? Please help!

Tagged as: Cheating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (22 March 2010) 2 Answers - (Newest, 22 March 2010)
A female Australia age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I cant get my ex boyfriend out of my mind. He cheated with me and in front of me he dated another girl. I cant face that girl coz when ever i see her i feel she's better then me thats why my boyfriend left me for her. Im always stressed due to this and now im having open pores all over my face. Please help me how can i get rid of my ex boyfriend's memories. And how can i treat the open pores on my face. Please Help....

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A female reader, Laura1318 Malaysia +, writes (22 March 2010):

Laura1318 agony auntYou need to keep yourself busy all the time , so that you will not be free to think about your ex.

Go out with your friends and enjoy with them .In time , you won't feel the pain anymore.

There is really no permanent remedy for open pores. Toner only tightens pores temporary. You can apply toner after your cleansing. Use a good foundation to hide your open pores. This is the best way to conceal open pores.

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A female reader, Entirely Unique United Kingdom +, writes (22 March 2010):

Entirely Unique agony auntMemories are not something you can just open the door to and let them walk out, they have a way of sticking around whether they're good ones or bad ones.

Find a way to distract your thoughts when these memories want to make an appearance and try to find a way to deal with the way you're feeling regarding this situation, it will get better and it won't hurt so much over time.

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