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He's trying to give up porn but I'm afraid he doesn't find me attractive

Tagged as: Pornography<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 December 2014) 2 Answers - (Newest, 21 December 2014)
A female Ireland age 36-40, anonymous writes:

My boyfriends trying to give up watching porn and masturbating because it's interfering with our sex life. He's admitted that he's sometimes switches on the porn and thinks about masturbating and then stops, this is recently since he decided it. It's kind of weirding me out though that he's just watching it. Porn never used to bother me but he's into BBW - he likes curvy chubby girls and I'm slim and probably a bit angular. So I've made myself insecure with it. But we've watched it together.

Anyway, is it considered an addiction if he's been watching and masturbating once or twice a day ? By the way he works early mornings and evenings and I work daytime so he's bored or stressed during the day and horny. But tired at night time when we see each other. His other excuse is that he's back living with his parents for a while and doesn't get in the mood much at their house!

I'm worried about the addiction because he's been looking at it but not masturbating to it lately (thinking about it and changing his mind). I'm starting to freak out that it's me! That he's not attracted to me anymore! I'm in good shape and he's always told me I'm pretty and sexy and cute.

But this morning he went to watch porn after I left his house :-(

View related questions: horny, in the mood, insecure, porn, sex life

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (21 December 2014):

Let him know if he continues, he is going to be unhappy. Take it from someone who knows about porn addiction. It takes you down a road of isolation. Masturbation does too if you do it all the time. I'm trying to change. So, I tell you this from experience. Tell him he'll waste his life if he continues these habits. Tell him not to make the mistakes I have made. Porn is fake, and you get nothing but guilt out of watching it and masturbating to it. I do hope things work out for both of you.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (19 December 2014):

Honeypie agony auntShow him this website, it might help him too.

As for masturbation, I don't think it's "unhealthy" at any age, UNLESS you rather wank then be intimate with your partner.

I don't really think it's you. I know that would be the "easiest" solution or excuse, but don't forget his level of testosterone is dropping off. And I DO understand not feeling the "sexy-time mood" while living at his parents house.

Do take RESPONSIBILITY for HIS sexuality and HIS choices.

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