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He's got no money and can't work because of his bad leg... so his solution is for me to sell my body (sex-wise) for money!

Tagged as: Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 August 2007) 11 Answers - (Newest, 19 August 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, *ain_in_heart writes:

i gt bk with my bf in april after breaking up in dec.we gt engagd recently and he took me to his country to meet hiz parents.he says he loves me and does nearly everything i say we plan a lovly future but the onlything is he does nt want to work bcoz of problems with his leg and he has no money he said if love him id du anythin 4 him and i du love him but he said i would have 2sel my body 4 a couple of mnths and we wil b rich he just wnts to b rich so bad i cryd and said how can u love me and do that he said i swer 2god i wil love u but i just wana hapi futer wiv u i dnt nw wat 2 do i realy love him and i want 2 b hapi 2

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A female reader, DrPsych United Kingdom +, writes (19 August 2007):

DrPsych agony auntAsk him to work as a male escort and see his reaction...he doesn't love you as he is hoping to be your pimp and that is very sad indeed. It is no foundation for a marriage and you should run, run, run....with that leg ailment he won't be able to get off the sofa to chase you...

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A male reader, Cloud_Strife United States +, writes (19 August 2007):

Oh god no, that is horrible, and theres no way a guy can love someone if he would want you to sell your body. I mean c'mon some relationship ends because the guy finds out his girlfriend has been prostituting and this guy is recommending it? If he wants to get rich, let him work for it, and that leg shouldn't stop him from finding work. Offices, Driver, etc. How much leg work is needed for those jobs? Not much, theres no excuse for him not to work. Also, you might still back up this guy because you do love him and thats normal, but imagine if you do take that step and sell your self. It will ruin your current relationship, break you down emotionally and physically, and you will have a horrible feeling left scarred on you emotionally, and mentally for the rest of your life. Another thing to think about, if you plan on having children, what would you do if they were to find out you've done such a thing?

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A male reader, AndreC. Canada +, writes (19 August 2007):

AndreC. agony auntHE is sick!dont u ever sell your body it shouldnt have even crossed his mind to get you to sell your body!he has no respect for you GET AWAY from him hun

any questions msg me take care hun

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A male reader, somewhat_anonymous United States +, writes (18 August 2007):

Yeah, what is this guy a pimp? This is actually how some pimps turn innocent girls into prostitutes. "Hey baby, I know all the other girls, but it's you I love...just a few more 'jobs' and we'll have enough money to get married."

Forget about this. So he's got a bad leg, he can still find work. I've known a parapalegic in a wheelchair that got a Master's degree in engineering, which means this guy can get a job that doesn't involve the use of his leg.

You shouldn't be the one that has to make all the money, and certainly not in this manner. If he wants to be rich, he should have to work for it too.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (18 August 2007):

Why don't you ask him to use his body sexually to make an income. He has an oral vagina and also a backdoor vagina that he can use for making an income

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A male reader, Jamer70 United Kingdom +, writes (18 August 2007):

Jamer70 agony aunti cant add anything else the others havent said. RUN like the wind FAR FAR AWAY from this man as asking you to sell your body is really (have to swear) f**ked up, and hes a piece of s**t for even thinking it so he can get rich and be a lazy idiot

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A female reader, deejuliet United States +, writes (18 August 2007):

deejuliet agony auntI agree with the other posters. Run like your pants are on fire, girl! Any man who would ask you to sell your body so that he doesnt have to work is a Loser and doesnt deserve you.

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A female reader, hlskitten United Kingdom +, writes (18 August 2007):

hlskitten agony auntHi

Flower girl said it all! Dont need to add anymore to that!

Jesus what the??! :o/

C xxxxxx

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (18 August 2007):

You need to get out of this relationship. Why doesnt the lazy git get a job in an office or another sit down job?? He says he wants to be rich, well tell him to go earn his own money.

Your body is too precious to sell it just to make this guy rich!! You should be somebody who values you and will cherish you rather than try make money off of you.

Best of luck with this, but I hope you can get away from him xx

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A female reader, flower girl United Kingdom +, writes (18 August 2007):

flower girl agony auntTell him where to get off, what a bloody lame excuse 'he does not want to work because of a problem with his leg'.

Don't you dare sell your body to make money to make him happy and rich and what makes him think they will make you rich anyway.

You would i think be very silly to stay in this relationship as you are supposed to feel cherished by your man, not have someone that would willingly let you go off and earn money for him through sex.

Take care.xx.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (18 August 2007):

bWell this is a very unusual situation,but if he loved you that much it wouldnt matter about the money,because its about the feelings between you and the company that you give to eachother.I mean you see these people in africa, they dont have any money and they still make the most of what theyve got..couldnt you just get a part-time job and save up...and maybe sell some of your belongings that you dont require any more! shouldnt have to do something that you dont want to do!

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