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He said, she said, so what should I say?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Dating, Family, Teenage, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 January 2014) 5 Answers - (Newest, 21 January 2014)
A female United States age 26-29, *hickchick100 writes:

Ok so basically this is what happened my crush called my sister a tramp and he was like I shouldn't be mad but then he went on to say that he don't like people calling him ratchet . I did at some hurtful things to him but he said some rude things as well. I want to talk to him about the arguement just so I can get some closure what should I say?? Please help

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A female reader, llifton United States +, writes (21 January 2014):

llifton agony auntI had to look up "ratchet" on urban dictionary. That shit was funny.

Only a ratchet would get caught up in this kinda useless drama. don't be that person (did I use that right)?

Name calling is such a waste of time. Stay out of it and don't partake.

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A female reader, cmarieky United States +, writes (21 January 2014):

You should say nothing because he say she say is heresy. No facts just fuss. Not worthy of attention. Didn't read post but rumors are always best ignored.

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A female reader, xTheAlmightyDuckx United Kingdom +, writes (21 January 2014):

xTheAlmightyDuckx agony auntIf someone called my sister a tramp, or muttered a bad word about my family then i'd probably leave them right there and then.

I had a boyfriend once who was racist to my best friend in an argument, and I dumped him there and then.

I understand though its kinda hard when you love someone, and can I ask did he call your sister a tramp to her face or did he just say it to you?

And he was wrong about that you should be mad if someone insults your family member, if this argument was between you and him and then he went off at your sister that ain't right.

I think maybe you should have a chat with him and tell him that you are sorry if you said anything bad but calling any of your family members a bad name is over the top. I think that should be enough.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (21 January 2014):

Honeypie agony auntWhat are you? 5 years old?

If someone talks smack about your sister and it isn't TRUE you tell them to go fly a kite, you don't make friends with them!

And you don't need closure you need to learn how to deal with drama and that is to WALK away from drama-llamas like your "crush". Don't get into arguments and name calling, that belongs in day-care.

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A female reader, CindyCares Italy +, writes (21 January 2014):

CindyCares agony aunt You should say nothing - and change crush.

Blood is thicker than water, he insulted your sister, - and you want to be friends with him ??

Ok, I get it, this whole name calling thing is a juvenile way to show mutual attraction and get a reaction out of the other person.

Like, when in 3rd grade a boy pulls your braids , you can count on him having a crush on you.

But, 16 is not 3rd grade. It's not too early to start setting your boundaries, teaching people how you want to be treated and talked to , and getting respect by showing respect, so no more "ratchet" ( what is a ratchet, BTW ? )

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