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Female orgasm from performing fellatio?

Tagged as: Dating, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 May 2011) 6 Answers - (Newest, 19 May 2011)
A male United States age 51-59, anonymous writes:

Do some women experience orgasms while (or from) performing fellatio ?

She stops (hesitates) several times while performing fellatio and seems to need to get her breath.... almost like choking but different. She twitches and gets her breath then continues...

I think She's too embarrassed to tell me, and I dont want to push her to tell me.

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (19 May 2011):

So_Very_Confused agony auntwhile i get very very aroused giving my man a BJ I don't orgasm and I think neither is your lady friend.

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A female reader, Smileypants United States +, writes (19 May 2011):

Smileypants agony auntHahahahahahahaha!!!


Sounds more like she's trying to fight her gag reflex. For some women that's extra hard to get past. Just enjoy the knobber and don't worry about it ;o)

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A male reader, C. Grant Canada +, writes (19 May 2011):

C. Grant agony auntNot that I've ever seen the movie, but I believe that was the premise for the film "Deep Throat". I've never heard of it happening in real life.

I'm inclined to be as sceptical as the other aunts who responded, but I do keep in mind that the brain is the most important sex organ. I suppose it's possible that she's so turned on by the pleasure she's giving you ...

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A female reader, DanceInTheDark Canada +, writes (19 May 2011):

DanceInTheDark agony auntYeah, that's pretty much impossible.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (19 May 2011):

Maybe if someone is boinking her from behind. :-)

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A male reader, Jmtmj Australia +, writes (19 May 2011):

Jmtmj agony auntHah, that's a new one.

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