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Feelings for uncle, is there something wrong with me?

Tagged as: Age differences, Family<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (15 January 2011) 2 Answers - (Newest, 16 January 2011)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Recently I've developed this sort of crush on my divorced uncle and I don't know why. Honestly I have had a thing for him for a while but I always put it back to the back of my mind and forget about it. Plus I've had other boyfriends in the past. But my parents and I just moved back to our hometown and he is living with us again which has made this crush situation even bigger. I feel that I like him a lot actually but I know that its completely wrong and I can't help it. First of all he is the brother of my biological mom even though I am adopted by my grandparents and I am 20 years old making him 23 years older than me. But I still feel like I will do something stupid even though I know its not right. Please if anyone can give me advice it will be greatly appreciated.

View related questions: crush, divorce

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A female reader, MissSoul777 United States +, writes (16 January 2011):

Dont worry too much, haveing a crush on a family member is pretty natural, but it's mostly caused by idealizing and looking up to them. It's not a good idea to presue, the legal risks and drama is not worth it just to see if it works out with him, cuz if it doesnt you'll hate yourself and will have ruined your life. Plus it doesnt seem that you know if he thinks about you like that at all, and bringing it up may make him not want to be there for you as a friend anymore. it's best just to talk yourself out of it and find someone else.

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A female reader, aunt honesty Ireland +, writes (16 January 2011):

aunt honesty agony auntOk first off dont beat yourself up over this there is nothing wrong with you and just remember that. It sounds to me like he is playing a big part in your life as he is living with you'se at the moment. It could be possible that you are mixing up the feelings of love you have for him as an uncle to something more. You say you have been adopted by your grand parents therefore in reality you probably dont see him as your uncle. In saying that i understand that you cant help your feelings but sweetie you really need to try and get any sexual feelings out of your head. Because this would be illegal if anything were to happen. You just need to tell yourself he is my uncle and i love him and he will be there for me as an uncle or friend but that is as far as it will go and try and get out more with your friends and meet new guys. Soon this phase will pass the busier you keep yourself.

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