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Do men's sex drives decrease after 40?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (13 April 2011) 8 Answers - (Newest, 14 April 2011)
A female Canada age 51-59, anonymous writes:

Do men's sex drives decrease after 40?

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A male reader, GRIFF TANNEN United States +, writes (14 April 2011):

GRIFF TANNEN agony auntWOW! some very honest and clear answers here! I have just read through all the posts below and the information is better than in any book. I am very impressed.

Lady OP, you have just got all the information you could possibly need on the subject, in one strike!

Well done guys.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 April 2011):

I was in a long relationship throough part of my 20's and all of my 30's that was sexually weak on her part, but because of the constancy of the relationship, I can say I peaked at various times...late 20's, early 30's. Definitely noticed a slight dropoff in libido after 36 or so, but I'm in a relationship now that is VERY sexual, and I can say I've never felt stronger urges to have sex...even compared to my youth. However, certain things do change...I'm a bit slower to "respond", if you know what I mean, I require more direct contact to become/stay aroused, and I don't have quite the athleticism I used to. But I can honestly say that at 42, I am having the best, and most intense sex of my life.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (13 April 2011):

Yes, not just after 40, but starts a little earlier, but most men deny it, deny it, deny it, deny it, or don't recognize it because as one poster says, sex drive and sexual activity and sexual opportunity as well as sexual willingness don't have much in common.

Lots of us have sex drive through the roof at 18, but get little sex outside of our own hands.

Some of us have much less sex drive at 40, but have lots more opportunity as many women from 20-50 are looking for the guy who is successful and settled. I know from personal experience that as I got older I had a lot more opportunity.

But we are all declining.

It should not be abrupt.

Many psychological factors are involved. Even in those who have sex drive that seems superior. Often they don't really know much and are trying to prove something to themselves like "I'm not getting older."

And, you get lots of BS when you post questions like this.

I'd just love to see some of these guys who talk about having sex 9 times a day when they are 20 try to wank off 9 times in a day. Most of it is probably BS unless they have CNS tumors. Guys lie about their sexual activity as much as girls lie about their lack of it.

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A male reader, DoubleM United States +, writes (13 April 2011):

DoubleM agony auntIt depends upon what you mean by "sex drive," often interpreted as, or confused with, "libido." You can also toss in terms such as "desire," "want to" and "ability." All these and other situations apply. As a 60-something with a fairly active past, I can personally report that desire (want to) has little declined, but ability and something called "need" declines at some point. Another declination can be opportunity, but in any case, my advice is to "get all you can, while you can."

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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 April 2011):

Strongfp -- anything might have given me a boner at 15, but at 50 I sometimes jerk off three or four times a day. Yes at 18 I could go 20 times in a weekend, and that's certainly not on now. But the girl I did that 20x with -- that relationship was three or four months old, and we were teenagers. Try being with a conservative girl exclusively for 30 years, when once a month is more than enough for her, and she's only interested in the same moves you've been doing for -- oh say 30 years. Performance and drive become different things.

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A male reader, Danielepew Mexico +, writes (13 April 2011):

Danielepew agony auntThe answer is no.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 April 2011):

Not so much the drive as the ability.

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A female reader, Ima FreAk!  United Kingdom +, writes (13 April 2011):

Ima FreAk!  agony auntHiyaaaaa,

Kinda, like I read in an article saying that its between 18-30ish that your very sexually active and 30 its okay but after 40 its a decrease.

But that doesn't mean your not getting sex it just means that not sexually active as the young as in not having sex every week looool. So it's normal pretty much its like when your older your not as much physically active as the young but you can still be active.

Hope my opinion helps!

Good luck!

Lots of love,

Ima FreAk!


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