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Any Sheffielders? Say "hi"

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Question - (28 August 2006) 11 Answers - (Newest, 1 September 2006)
A male United Kingdom, anonymous writes:

Just curious if anyone else is from Sheffield, England?


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A female reader, anonymous, writes (1 September 2006):

hi,sheffield wednesday!! best team in the world!

C,mon Owls

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A female reader, Becky2kay6 +, writes (29 August 2006):

im from sheffield...i live near the Don Valley stadium

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A female reader, finchy United Kingdom +, writes (29 August 2006):

finchy agony auntlol im from bolton lol. Its near manchester anyway and theres nuffin wrong wie ppl from manchester xD

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A female reader, bonym United Kingdom +, writes (29 August 2006):

bonym agony auntMy point exactly!! Mancunians are far superior to Sheffielders!!! lol

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A female reader, b3x United Kingdom +, writes (29 August 2006):

b3x agony auntWhat!?! What's wrong with us Manc's!? xx

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A female reader, chunkymunky United Kingdom +, writes (29 August 2006):

chunkymunky agony auntnorth devon! soz!!

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A female reader, uonlyliveonce United Kingdom +, writes (28 August 2006):

uonlyliveonce agony aunthellooo im from sheff home of the blades best team ever :)

x x x

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A female reader, Helen1986 United Kingdom +, writes (28 August 2006):

Helen1986 agony auntI am not from sheffield but from portsmouth in england. So hi

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A female reader, bonym United Kingdom +, writes (28 August 2006):

bonym agony auntsorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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A reader, anonymous, writes (28 August 2006):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Manchester people not allowed to comment!!

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A female reader, bonym United Kingdom +, writes (28 August 2006):

bonym agony auntNot from Sheffield but Manchester isnt too far away!!! Is it??? lol

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