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I want to be with him so bad but I don't know if I should go back on the roller coaster ride...

Tagged as: Dating, Family, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 July 2011) 3 Answers - (Newest, 26 July 2011)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

My boyfriend and i has been broken up for 2 weeks now. I've been through a hell of a lot of bs with him. From him cheating on me multiples of times, hiding our relationship from 2 dozen of females on facebook, lying to me a lot, disrespecting me, and more. So i broke up with him because he wasn't there for me when my grandmother died. basically i just go so fed up with him. So lately he's been trying to be all nice and do nice things for me but he doesn't do it when we are together. He's been saying how much he love me and can't live without me but he use to say this before every time we break up and the same bs happen. He never wanted to talk about our relationship. When i do talk about it, he ignores me. Now all of a suddedn, when we're not together, he wants to talk about things and treats me right. i really love this guy more than anything. We've been together for 2 years and 5 months and it's hard for me to let him go. He asked to get back with me but i didn't take him back and i find myself getting stronger by doing that. but it hurts to know that he's conversing with other females and stuff. I want to be with him so bad but i don't know if i should go back on the roller coaster ride. I don't know what to do because his sob stories always get to me and i end up taking him back.

View related questions: broke up, facebook, grandmother

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A female reader, justoverit United States +, writes (26 July 2011):

justoverit agony auntIt is up to you, if you are ready to go through the same crap again, beacause if you get back with him he might just cheat on you again, and talk to girls on facebook. I weent through a situation so similar to yours recently and I decided to not take him back because I know that I will never trust him the same again.

If you can forgive him, learn to trust him again, and give him your whole heart, and you want to work it out, then do. But think long and hard, you have to be sure he wont hurt you again

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A male reader, dominic pusel Nigeria +, writes (26 July 2011):

dominic pusel agony auntthe hand writing on the wall is very clear, he is fed up with you but he dosent know how to tell you, since any time he breaks your heart he goes home to have a rethink, i am a very emotional person who hates to see another being maltreated emotionally, pls look for love elswhere.

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A female reader, VSAddict United States +, writes (26 July 2011):

VSAddict agony auntDon't do anything. You're right to not take him back. His nice acts aren't going to last and you know that. He won't change and he'll always be hurting you in some way, even when he tells you he's changed. Don't fall for it, keep your head up and keep being strong.

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