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*rans Am Man agony aunt

*rans Am Man

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So I'll do my best to give advice but I'm only 16 so don't take everything I say TOO seriously, I can't give you expert advice on sex because I'm still a virgin and I plan on waiting until my girlfriend is ready. I can give you good advice on things questions like "is it over between us" or "I think i'm in love, what should I do" I'm good with questions like that. If you click on my URL it will take you to a web site called On the website you will see four people, I'm Brandon, the first one, if you want to know more about me click on that picture.

12Next > [2 pages, 54 answers]

What does "I'l Try" Mean

Q.   Today i was talking to this guy called 'james' who i had a thing with about a year ago. We only went as far as kissing as i had stronger feelings for someone else called 'tom' and soon went into a relationship with him. Our relationship wasn't r...

A.   27 August 2010: I'm just taking a shot in the dark here but maybe by that he means he won't get much sleep because he'll be thinking of you. It's possible, he's in love with you... (read in full...)

In love with my stepdaughter...

Q.   I recently slept with my step daughter, she's 20 i'm 40 and now have these deep, deep feelings of love for her and everything I try to I can't get her out of my heart, she has mentioned to other family members that she has feelings for me as well. ...

A.   16 August 2010: I'm young but I've experienced this stuff over and over again. I fall in love too easily and nothing good ever comes of it. Just spend a week away from you're stepdaughter and see how you feel after that. If not seeing her doesn't work, then go get ... (read in full...)

My gay friend... or IS he gay???

Q.   Please help, so confused! Okay so my absolute best friend in the whole world is gay, and i should make it clear that i love him to pieces so this is serious for me. We share everything together, always go out together and we're so close, everyone ...

A.   16 August 2010: It's doesn't sound that confusing to me, but there maybe more to it than you're saying. I'm not gay but I really, really understand the gay people. I really understand that a man can fall in love with another man and the same for a women. You see he ... (read in full...)

Do most marriages becomes sexless when people are in their 50's?

Q.   Do most marriages becomes sexless, when people are in their 50 es,due to boredom ,or biological changes? I really need to know that. Mine is like that , and my husband is off sex. And the doctor doesn't know why,but he says dont worry, it is very ...

A.   16 August 2010: I really wouldn't worry about it. He's getting older and he probably just doesn't want to. It's not that he doesn't want to do it with you, he's just not interested in sex in general. Odds are he is still faithful to you and he still really loves ... (read in full...)

I think my boyfriend might be gay! What signs should I look for?

Q.   i am a bit worried about my boyfriend, as i think he is gay, been together 2 years and he tells me everyday that he loves me, he always wants sex with me most the time and he mainly makes the first moves, he kisses me alot and holds me all night, ...

A.   24 June 2010: Just because he's into cleanliness does not mean he's gay. I personally can't stand a dirt home either. If he like sex with you he's obviously not gay.... (read in full...)

How do I know whether to believe my fiance?? I found 100's of porn and dating sites, but he blames a virus!

Q.   Well basicly last night i accidently stumbled across porn that had been viewed on the computer...I had to know where it had come from so i looked and it was from my fiances acount...hoping i'd made a mistake i checked again and to my horror found ...

A.   9 June 2010: I didn't read the whole thing but I can pretty much tell from the tittle. Porn is pretty much what creates viruses not the other way around, and a Virus can't create a dating site, however lots of people get dating site things in their email without ... (read in full...)

What do you think about age difference relationships?

Q.   Hi everyone. I'm going to try and make this question as short as possible. I work with a lad [I'm a student with a part time job] and have started to develop feelings for him. We have been texting a lot recently, usually just before bed. In t...

A.   3 May 2010: It's only two years, don't worry about it. I'm in love with a girl who's 3 years younger than me... (read in full...)

I guess she thinks that I only want to have sex with her but I don't!

Q.   Ok I've asked this question before but I don't get many answers so I'm asking again. I'm sort of in love with this girl. She is one of my best friends and in many ways she is my best friend. I mean she is the only one that supports me when I say I'm ...

A.   28 April 2010: Thank you for your advice, I just might do that... (read in full...)

I guess she thinks that I only want to have sex with her but I don't!

Q.   Ok I've asked this question before but I don't get many answers so I'm asking again. I'm sort of in love with this girl. She is one of my best friends and in many ways she is my best friend. I mean she is the only one that supports me when I say I'm ...

A.   27 April 2010: Raiders, thank you for your advice, you always give me good advice and I value your advice very much. I haven't tried to date other girls in a while. I can be kind of a procrastinator. I have asked lots of other girls out and most of them have said ... (read in full...)

Hes going back to his own country, should I cherish the last days together or break it off now?

Q.   Hi I am really bummed out cause the guy I started dating for about 2 months is going to move out of the country and go back to his. I know we have not been dating very long but I really like this guy and started to get feelings for him so this ...

A.   26 April 2010: If you love him go with him. I Know it may be an inconvenience to you but If you really think there is a future with him, GO WITH HIM. If you don't you'll spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been, and there is nothing worse than ... (read in full...)

Age difference poll.

Q.   im starting a poll to see the age gaps in relationships from ages 14 - 16 e.g. im 14 i went out with a girl tht was 13......

A.   16 April 2010: When I turned 16 my girlfriend had just turned 14. Now I'm 17 and trying to hook up with a 14 year old... (read in full...)

Tips on controlling ejaculation?

Q.   Hi, I'm 17 years old and I'm a senior in high school. My girlfriend and I have just recently started pleasuring each other. I'm a virgin and I've never gotten further than feeling a girl's breasts until now. She says I'm good at fingering her and ...

A.   11 April 2010: This has happened to me before too. Try going into the restroom and pleasuring yourself before you guys do anything. It'll get hard again when she starts rubbing it, then it should take longer. ... (read in full...)

Would he still want me if he knew I had a son?

Q.   there is a guy who i have been going out with for 3 weeks he dosent know about my son and im scared to tell him in case he dosent accept me and my son are a deal he has me he accepts my son to its starting to worry me so i try not bring up my ...

A.   11 April 2010: If he likes you for who you are he won't care. End of Story... (read in full...)

Three years ago, she freaked when I told her I loved her. Should I tell her again, now?

Q.   I've asked this question before but I never get many responses so I'm trying it again. I will have a very long detailed version of this and then at the bottom I will have shorter simplified version, if you want the short version scroll to the bott...

A.   8 April 2010: KittyKhaos, that's very good advice but, in three years I'll be 20, she'll be 17. In America that's illegal. I'm not being a smart ass I really do like your advice. Also thank you for your advice too Raiders... (read in full...)

Since I cheated on her, she won't say that she loves me! What can I do?

Q.   ok so i feel horrible for this but i cheated on my gf but she said she loved me enough that she would give me another chance but she wants me to still say 'i love you' to her but she wont say it back for a while until she fully trusts me again. I ...

A.   8 April 2010: Well to be honest I don't think she should have given you another chance. It's guys like you that give all guys a bad name. I hate people like you. But I'm going to give you advice because I know how bad it hurts to tell your girlfriend that you ... (read in full...)

In love with my best friend and I don't know what to do! Help!

Q.   I think I'm in love with my best friend. This is probably gonna be a long one so please read all of it and give me the best advice you can. I really appreciate it. We'll call her Carl. I've known her for going on 14 years now. Two years ago I ...

A.   7 April 2010: Thanks for your advice Brunel. It really helps a little.... (read in full...)

Should I call ex and wish her a happy birthday?

Q.   Well this is my second attempt at this question. It was rejected because there wasn't enough detail. I didn't want it to have detail. It was a simple question should I or should I not call my ex and wish her a happy birthday. Now because of this I ...

A.   6 April 2010: I didn't do anything, most people on here told me not to, so i didn't... (read in full...)

Should I call ex and wish her a happy birthday?

Q.   Well this is my second attempt at this question. It was rejected because there wasn't enough detail. I didn't want it to have detail. It was a simple question should I or should I not call my ex and wish her a happy birthday. Now because of this I ...

A.   6 April 2010: aw man that's terrible... (read in full...)

Should I call ex and wish her a happy birthday?

Q.   Well this is my second attempt at this question. It was rejected because there wasn't enough detail. I didn't want it to have detail. It was a simple question should I or should I not call my ex and wish her a happy birthday. Now because of this I ...

A.   6 April 2010: q1605, it is a little late but just out of curiosity, what where you going to say. ... (read in full...)

Does this friend not like our circle of friends anymore?

Q.   So I have simple question. I hang out these 3 other kids, we'll call them T, S, C. We usually hang out every single weekend and go to the mall and then stay at thier grandparents house for the rest of the weekend. We always have fun and laugh with ...

A.   24 March 2010: Thanks for your positive answer Laura but I've spoken to my friend recently and we ended up spending the weekend together and having some fun.... (read in full...)

I am 17 and attracted to older men

Q.   Ok, I'm a 17 year old girl, soon to be 18, and I tend to find myself attracted to men in their late 20s and early 30s. My whole life I've been told if I date a man so much older, then when I get into a relationship with a man my own age, it will ...

A.   23 March 2010: I wouldn't worry about it. So you like older men, so did my sister. She hooked up with a 28 year old when she was like 15 or 16. You know what she's 22 now and he's going on 34, there still together and they have a nice life together.... (read in full...)

We hit it off, but she is my friends little sister. Help!

Q.   I have liked this girl for about 3 years now, we hung out and we really seemed to hit it off, the problem is recently i found out that she is one of my friends little sister (i should have realized by the last name). He says he is cool with me if i ...

A.   7 March 2010: don't worry about, if you really like her go for it. If you're good to her and don't hurt her he'll never have any hard feeling towards you... (read in full...)

Stuck between two girls, both I really like.

Q.   Well I really don't know what to do. I kinda like two different girls, I say like because I'm not in love with either one of them and I don't believe in saying it until you mean it. Anyway the first one is Trish, she's beautiful, she's funny, ...

A.   5 March 2010: Ok let me clear something up. The way the people at Dear Cupid edited this is just stupid. The first girls name is Carly the other is Laurinda. The relationship i'm talking about at the bottom was with Laurinda, not her sister.... (read in full...)

I asked my ex out and I'm not sure if she's interested. Help!

Q.   well it's simple. I asked my ex out and i'm not sure if she's interested. Ok my ex broke up with my 6 months ago as of February 5th. yesterday I asked her to go to the movies with me this weekend. At first she said yes, but at the end of the school ...

A.   3 February 2010: well, I recently found out from some of her friends that she was actually pretty happy that I asked her out and I'm stating to believe that she may be telling the truth about going to Virginia. That being said I'm in a pickle now. Thinking that she ... (read in full...)

I asked my ex out and I'm not sure if she's interested. Help!

Q.   well it's simple. I asked my ex out and i'm not sure if she's interested. Ok my ex broke up with my 6 months ago as of February 5th. yesterday I asked her to go to the movies with me this weekend. At first she said yes, but at the end of the school ...

A.   2 February 2010: to Denise 32 My plan was to continue the relationship. And it was her who ended it. And she did have a habit of lying... (read in full...)

Am I just their cook and cleaner?

Q.   I have been with this man for three years taking care of his teenage son, cooking, cleaning, helping feed and so on, with the understanding when he turned eighteen this man and i would be alone. now i find he's going to be underfoot till who knows ...

A.   2 February 2010: tell this man that something has to be done about his kid or you're leaving.... (read in full...)

After reading his emails I worry he's gay and I am his cover

Q.   AHHHHHHHHHHH! i neeed help! im 19 years old and ive had a boyfriend for 4 years already!...hes a lot older than me hes 27. yeah i know such a big age gap but he is my bestfriends brother and by just going over her house everyday all day long we ...

A.   29 January 2010: maybe it's just a weird fetish of his. maybe he thinks the idea of sex with another male is a turn on for him. It doesn't mean he's going to act on it. ... (read in full...)

Feeling sad! I don't think my boyfriend is the one but don't want to end it either!

Q.   Im in my mid twenties, living at home, have a good steady job and a boyfriend of 7 years. I am now utterly depressed. My boyfriend and I were about to fill out a form for a flat but i just broke down in tears and couldn't face doing it. Problem is, ...

A.   26 January 2010: Well I don't know if you've ever seen That '70s Show but it looks like you got yourself in an Eric and Donna situation. You see Eric was committed to Donna and to prove so he gave her a promise ring. She accepted the ring only because she was unsure ... (read in full...)

We share a half sister but I still love her

Q.   Well there's this girl, I've known her my whole life. Her brother and I are best friends. I'm in love with this girl. I see her every weekend when I stay the night at her grandma's house. I'm 16 and she's 13. A couple of summers ago I told her that ...

A.   26 January 2010: she was 12 not 11 and i didn't mean touch her in a sexual way... (read in full...)

I( want a baby but my boyfriend wants to wait

Q.   hey,im 17 iv been with my boyfriend for a year now and we live together and everything, its going great ...but for years iv wanted a baby..but dont no if i should try for one ..i want to but he wants to wait a while..he doesnt understand everything ...

A.   1 December 2009: I understand why he wants to wait, you're 17 for christ sake. You're not supposed to be having kids yet. Most men don't wanna start having kids until their mid to late 20's.... (read in full...)

Should I try and have a deeper relationship with her?

Q.   Hi I'm 19. I've been sorta of dating this girl for a while and she's been asking me if I've ever had a girlfriend. Which I haven't. I really like her and stuff but I'm not sure that I want a girlfriend. I've never had one and never been close to a ...

A.   1 December 2009: you should go for it. I've been in alot of relationships in my life but only one so far has really mattered, My last on, I loved her so much, I spent as much time as i could with her, I just love cuddling with her and holding her, It hurt like hell ... (read in full...)

Should I have sex with her when we aren't in a relationship?

Q.   There's this girl that I've know since the 6th grade and I've always thought she had a nice body. We're in the 9th grade now. We started talking over the internet and one thing led to another and we ende up having internet sex and now se wants me to ...

A.   4 November 2009: Um, well I'm afraid I need more advice now. The date is still on for this weekend and things are good except I was talking to her online and she told me about this guy she kinda likes. Of course were not officialy dating yet so maybe I shouldn't ... (read in full...)

Should I have sex with her when we aren't in a relationship?

Q.   There's this girl that I've know since the 6th grade and I've always thought she had a nice body. We're in the 9th grade now. We started talking over the internet and one thing led to another and we ende up having internet sex and now se wants me to ...

A.   3 November 2009: Thanks Everyone for the advice. Things are going good between us. I didn't have sex with her, but eventually maybe. I have a date with her this weekend.... (read in full...)

Should I leave my husband of 23 years? Is this the grass-is-greener syndrome? Mid life crisis?

Q.   Agony Aunts: I have asked my husband of 23 years years for a divorce. We have our house on the market. We are living under one roof until the house sells which is working very well so far. We have a 19 year old girl and a 12 year old boy. My h...

A.   31 October 2009: I stopped reading at "He is devastated and would change however I would want him to" This part really got to me. I don't know you and you don't me but I'm begging you give him the chance to change. I begged my ex to let me try to change for her and ... (read in full...)

If I leave him he has no one else!

Q.   Hi, I'm in need of some help,I have been with my boyfriend for the last 3 years, and i now feel like i'm stuck because if I leave him he has no one else. this is because he changed universitys (to the one im at)and has made no other friends. H...

A.   31 October 2009: just simply tell him that if he doesn't change then it's over. If he loves you at all he'll change his ways.... (read in full...)

Should I stay with Mr. Comfortable or try something new?

Q.   I started dating my fiance when i was in high school. He has been my first everything, and we've been together for almost 6 years. He is a great guy, very nice. But I find myself bored with him. The sex has never been good we've tried everything.. ...

A.   30 October 2009: Well it sounds to me like he loves you, if you leave him, you'll break his heart. Of course you're gonna get bored with him. You'll get bored with anyone after being together for so long. You should stay.... (read in full...)

I still love my ex but we have different backgrounds. Can it work?

Q.   Well it's simple, I'm still in love with my ex and she says she still has feelings for me. I'm just not sure if I should take her back. When I was with her I tried to be the best boyfriend I could. I always did what she wanted me to, I bought her ...

A.   28 October 2009: um, again everyone thanks for the advice. I've decided I was stupid for wanting her back. I never tried to talk to her to get her back and I'm not going to. I don't want her back.... (read in full...)

How can I tell my friend of 7 years that I like him as more?

Q.   Hello! I just recently got out of a relationship that lasted for 2 years and we lived together, so pretty serious, but it didn't work out for us. We mutually decided to break up although I was the one who brought it up because I started to like one ...

A.   27 October 2009: Just tell him. I bet he feels the same. I'm only 16 but I've had a lot of relationships in my life and one thing I've learned is that if you love someone you have to tell them. Even if he doesn't like you at the moment he may begin to like you after ... (read in full...)

I still love my ex but we have different backgrounds. Can it work?

Q.   Well it's simple, I'm still in love with my ex and she says she still has feelings for me. I'm just not sure if I should take her back. When I was with her I tried to be the best boyfriend I could. I always did what she wanted me to, I bought her ...

A.   27 October 2009: Thanks Everyone for your advice I've decided that tomarrow which will be 10/27/09 I will try to get things back on track, I'm gonna ask her out and see where things go. If things aren't different then I'll leave her but if things seem well then I'll ... (read in full...)

I still love my ex but we have different backgrounds. Can it work?

Q.   Well it's simple, I'm still in love with my ex and she says she still has feelings for me. I'm just not sure if I should take her back. When I was with her I tried to be the best boyfriend I could. I always did what she wanted me to, I bought her ...

A.   26 October 2009: Thanks Everyone for the advice.... (read in full...)

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