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*imisoph3 agony aunt


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well what can i say.i always that kind of a girl that would give advice to all my friends and i love it.its usually relationship things so if you have a problem or want to ask me something dont be shy actually ask me

< Prev12345Next > [5 pages, 170 answers]

My friend's ex made a pass at me. Do I get involved or run away?

Q.   My story is like this. Before this, i was in a college, i havev lot of friends there. Then, i moved to a better college, this college is where one of my friend (not my best friend but she is really nice) boyfriend’s college. My friends ask me to ...

A.   3 June 2010: if she isnt ur best friend but just a friend and if he likes u more wats so bad about being with him? are they still togehter or have they broken up.i think u should just wait and see i cant tell u wat u shouldnt and should do because i'm not in ur ... (read in full...)

The new guy is perfect, so why can't I get over my ex?

Q.   I've been getting friendly with a guy (man 1) since March. We've got to the stage now where we act like we're a couple, but we aren't going out.. and have done everything apart from sex, which he would like to do. I'm friendly with his family, and ...

A.   3 June 2010: the reason u cant get over ur ex is because u were in love..and u feel like u dont deserve this guy. I think that the reason u still have feelings for ur ex is because he broke your heart and his that guy that really doesnt care for u so u try ... (read in full...)

Is he using his new girlfriend to make me jealous?

Q.   hello a few months ago i hooked up wit this guy..his older then me by five years i thought we hit it off well but i didnt hear from him. few days later i messaged him apoligizing about the hook up he said it was okay that it was fine :). few weeks ...

A.   8 April 2010: i saw him again last weekend at a club he was dancing with his girlfriend where the dj was and i was at the opposite side in the back. he kept moving his girlfriend more backwards and then took her hand and walked past me.also my friend called me to ... (read in full...)

Whatever he texts to me he also texts to my friend, is he trying to make me jealous?

Q.   please help i talked to this guy for a while now he always texts me everyday and we talk i thought maybe he likes me because of all the signals and i thought that he might..his cousin even told my own sister asking if we were together because ...

A.   5 April 2010: thank you.that is totally what i thought about i just needed to hear it from someone else to understand :)... (read in full...)

Why do I always try to make him jealous???

Q.   I'm with an amazing boy who I have been in a relationship with for 9 months now, in the past boys have treated me badly, but then he came along and it showed me not all boys are the same, its like he saved me from it all. we love each other, I'm his ...

A.   17 November 2009: ur not used to having the good guy there.and ur trying to make a fight with him just so that your relationship can be fun and intresting. i think u feel bored with having a perfect boyfriend.he sounds perfect and i think that u dont want that..ur so ... (read in full...)

Why is it wrong to tell someone that their partner is a cheater?

Q.   I have a question I would like views on please. With regard to finding out that a person has been having affairs all their married life........... Why is it so wrong to tell someone that their partner is a lying, cheating so and so? Why is it OK...

A.   22 September 2009: no its never ok to mind ur own business if people minded there own busininess then the world would be empty but wit alot of secrets people have held inside. its not wrong if u feel like u gotta say it then do so.its better then let things build up i... (read in full...)

We have a phone relationship. Could he like me romantically?

Q.   I've recently struck up a relationship with a man over the phone. We've known each other for many years, but he was married and I was married. He'll be divorced in January and I am also separated from my husband. We started talking innocently ...

A.   21 September 2009: just talking on the phone is romantic at first but it does get tiring.maybe he doesnt want to seem like his moving too fast from his wife so he wants to take things slow.but he should also be able to have a date with u ask him if he sees u guys t... (read in full...)

I can't stop thinking about what it would be like to make out with him!

Q.   Okay so I think I like this major player..we're like good friends and I go to his house alot.. When we r alone we just hang out and have fun.. But at his parties he grabs me and always holds my hand and makes me kiss him on the cheek blah blah blah ...

A.   5 August 2009: the best way is to tell him how u feel. theres a big chance him liking u if in parties he makes u kiss his cheek thats called young sweet love.his gf living 5 hours away we know it wont work at least not now u guys are teenagers i'm sure noth... (read in full...)

Does he have real feelings & is scared? Or just likes the fwb thing?

Q.   I have been in a friends with benifits relationship for 3 years now. we have been friend for 25 years. we spend all our free time together. every night and on weekends. he says he doesnt ever want to be in love again after a bad divorce. he knows ...

A.   10 July 2009: the only way to for sure know is to ask him.tell him that u know wat his been through and stuff and tell him that he either wants to be wit u or ur gonna leave.cuz i know for sure that u and ur son want to have a family and i know that u want to be ... (read in full...)

Should I chase him, let him chase me, or just let him go?

Q.   this guy told me he liked me and i said i liked him too, he asked me out and i said yes.then after 2 weeks later i told him that it felt more like a friend zone then boyfriend and girlfriend he asumed i broke up wit him and he always said ...

A.   6 July 2009: i'm not sure he does so i dont think i should ask him out.i thought about it then i've realized that he textes aand then completly stops today he asked me wat i was doing and i said something and i asked him wat he was doing and he said ... (read in full...)

Confused about online guy I like

Q.   im 13 i met this guy online he lives in mexico and i live in the US he is sweet we talk every day idk if he likes me this happened a month ago i asked him wat he was doing and he said talkin with some 1 (it was a girl) and he said i dont like her ...

A.   30 June 2009: u seem confued cuz i dont understand wat ur trying to say? but i dont think he likes u right away he might think ur cute or something just nothing serious... (read in full...)

What kind of response did he want from me?

Q.   So me and this guy were texting the other day, just like hi how are you type of stuff. Then he says "we should hang out sometime..." so I simply responded "yeah we should." I do really want to, but I didn't want to be the one to have to ask him out. ...

A.   29 June 2009: u shouldnt worry about this.because its just hanging out.i dont think either of u guys have asked each other out its just hanging out as friends he is either kinda intrested or he just wants to be just go and hang out wit him.i screwed up ... (read in full...)

Want to give my co-worker who I like a birthday present, any ideas??

Q.   Hi, I was wondering what I should get a co-worker for her b-day coming up next week. She's turning 20, and currently in college. I.. like her kinda. I think it's close to mutual, not sure though as I don't understand women 100%. So what w...

A.   27 June 2009: i agree a giftcard would be nice find out where her favorite place to eat or shop is... (read in full...)

I don't want to push him away?!

Q.   Hey. So this is going to be kind of long. But I am really stressed out right now. I usually tend to be over analytical, but please, I need some help. So I met this amazing guy on an internet dating site. I know, I NEVER imagined that I ...

A.   27 June 2009: depends on wat the article is about. i'm sure tomorrow if he texts he'll say he fall asleep but if he was intrested in u he would of text u good night and sweet dreams now i'm not saying his not intrested he might be.but i am saying that ur on to ... (read in full...)

Is he flirting, cheating or am I insane?

Q.   Is it my imagination? Hi all, hope you're well. I recently split with my boyfriend of 5 years-hes not been much of a boyfriend since for the last 4 years its been too much to even give me a hug-we've been more like flatmates really and ive...

A.   25 June 2009: i dont think his fliring and ur not it must be him cheating i think.because he doesnt seem intrested in u i believe his using u to pay the rents the only thing that i think he needs u on is financually.he'll never check on u or call cuz i ... (read in full...)

Why does she act this way... does she like me?

Q.   There is a girl at the hospital where my mum goes for kidney dialysis she keeps looking at me and looking away when i look back does she like me? But when i walk past her she doesnt look at me she only looks at me from a distance. Does she like me?...

A.   25 June 2009: hmm thats not much information,i cant really tell if she likes u or not.when she looks at u does she smile or just a weird look.the best way to know if shes intrested is for u to go and talk to her and get to know her.i'm sure shes just intrested in ... (read in full...)

My child's father want's me back after he ran off with another women and got married.

Q.   Hi there i need some advice , my kid is 7 years old i'm in a relationship with someone else not his dad, thing is my boyfriend and i have both been very busy with studies spent very little time together. My childs father is now married to his sugar ...

A.   25 June 2009: i cant tell u wat to do.but i feel like if u still love the childs dad then be wit him.but if u feel scared that he'll do it again then i shouldnt go back to all depends if u want ur child to be happy wit a father and a mother back together ... (read in full...)

How do I get over him for good?

Q.   Any ideas on what else I can do? Basically, I was in love with a guy after 2 years who I have been intimate with but we are currently not seeing each other. Actually, he only talks to me in regards to sex and in the last 2 years, I have seen him ...

A.   25 June 2009: u have to realize that ur better then that.and u deserve someone better.he seems like a immature player that will always like to sleep and hook up wit girls and thats it.he'll never be commited so u have to just go have fun and hook up wit people t... (read in full...)

How to let someone know you're not interested before they make a move?

Q.   How do you tell someone you're not interested in them if you don't know if they are interested in you but they seem to be...arghhh! This guy who works in a coffee shop next to my work added me on Facebook. I’ve said hello to him and sometimes ch...

A.   25 June 2009: He seems kinda creepy The best thing you can do is actually delete him as a friend who cares if his gonna get hurt. You have to think about yourself and you have to think about how you don't want him around. So just step in and delete him as a fri... (read in full...)

I feel as if they just view me as a big joke...

Q.   I've been with my boyfriend a while now... and today, i was seen with him by some people from my old school (not a big deal is it?) but they just burst out laughing as they walked past us... looking directly at us! At school i was one of the unpo...

A.   24 June 2009: honestly it doesnt matter wat they say..because in the beginning its always the toughest they'll try to bring u down by making fun of u.ur boyfriend stood up for u maybe they are jealous..they probably drove by thinking to themselfs "crap she has a ... (read in full...)

What's the best way to get my ex back?

Q.   What's the best way to get my ex back?? We broke up around the middle of may of this year (2009). Our breakup wasn't tough or dramatic, we just sorta agreed on it (at the time I kinda wanted to break up as well as him). But I'd say less then a w...

A.   16 June 2009: the best way is talking him and telling him u miss him.and u miss how things used to be just be honest and tell him that u really didnt know wat was going on when u guys ended things and just talk and say things from the heart good luck ... (read in full...)

She's too nervous to meet with me. How long should I wait for her?

Q.   Hi, I met a girl over the internet, and things have been going really well. We know a lot about each other, we've chatted for hours a day, and talked on the phone together on a few occasions. Last week we arranged to meet up this Thursday. Was re...

A.   11 June 2009: aww dont say that..ur too good for it.but u gotta look at the good side shes not worth it.its her lost,ur way to honest and good and she just played you maybe she felt lonely and now she realized that she liked someone else and she just let u ... (read in full...)

I like a guy my best friend used to date

Q.   well i like this guy and he likes me but we can't be together cause he was recently with my best friend and when they broke he started to say bad things about her so she doesn't like him.she knows he likes me but she doesn't know i like him i really ...

A.   11 June 2009: talk to ur friends about it.tell her u like him and he likes u and u want to go out with him.ask if its okay and if it isnt then just secretly dating him or something i dont know....tell her that she doesnt have to be around u guys like some days u ... (read in full...)

Do you guys think I'm way in over my head with her or should I ask her out?

Q.   Alrighty then. I'll try to make this as brief to the best of my abilities. I'm 24, she's 22. We met in a forum where artists gather and discuss... whatever it is we discuss. Few words about her: She's cute (I'd give her a 7 out of 10), sort of...

A.   10 June 2009: her saying that tell me when and where means shes flirting and she wouldnt flirt if she wasnt interested so just go for it.ask her out ask her to hang out scratch that haha ask her outt i'm sure she'll except good luck :D... (read in full...)

She's too nervous to meet with me. How long should I wait for her?

Q.   Hi, I met a girl over the internet, and things have been going really well. We know a lot about each other, we've chatted for hours a day, and talked on the phone together on a few occasions. Last week we arranged to meet up this Thursday. Was re...

A.   10 June 2009: maybe shes hidding something or doesnt act right when u meet her in person. ask her again for next week and if she cant do it.then just tell her hey look i think i like u and i want to get to know u more i understand ur shy but i am too just take ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend's parents may break up, and I want to help him, what can I do to help him?

Q.   my boyfriends parents are prolly gonna split up and he doesnt want them to. he has no clue why they will and they have been married for about 19 years and they are a great family! i mean yeah they have their ups and downs, but all families do! ...

A.   10 June 2009: There's nothing you can do for the parents, its their choice if they want to break up or not. It's actually their decision. Maybe their personalities and lives have changed because people do change. All you gotta do is respect the parents ... (read in full...)

Should I stay friends with my ex who takes drugs?

Q.   hi i need to ask if i did the right thing. my x boyfriend has a drug problem and it seems that he wont change. yesterday i found out that he,s been asking for money from his friends, and his father give him too and he spent them all in a week he ...

A.   10 June 2009: it all depends if u want to stay in his life or not. i think that if u stay in his life u might stop the addiction to drugs encourage and ask him to see a therapist or help like rehab. if u do leave him there might be a chance of him getting worse ... (read in full...)

When it comes to girls I strike out! Should I make the first move

Q.   This is a question that is more directed towards the ladies. I am a nice guy, the funny guy, etc. I do not consider myself bad-looking and I am always hanging around all of the jocks. I myself run track at my school and I went to regionals my fre...

A.   9 June 2009: if ur good looking,and not shy and a good guy u seem perfect :D..i dont understand how u cant seem to get girls.make the first moves flirt if shes not into u who cares have fun.remember this is reality u might get dumped and u might fall in love u ... (read in full...)

Can't help myself--California love

Q.   Okay last year when I was 15 i had this really hot teacher I didn't like her at first but she grew on me. Now I can't stop thinking about her. I mean I think about her so much that I can't stand it. Every day and night she is always on my mind.I ...

A.   9 June 2009: honestly it wont work out no matter how u feel it wont work out..shes married she has kids i dought that she feels the same about u.i'm sorry.wat u can do is go to her house pretend like ur selling something and if she answers the door then be like ... (read in full...)

Sometimes I think he likes me, sometimes I'm not so sure

Q.   There is this guy that I have a crush on. Sometimes I think he likes me and sometimes I'm not so sure. He is the brother of one of my friends on my soccer team. He is also my soccer coach’s son. At the end of this year I will be 17 and he will be ...

A.   9 June 2009: adding a guy really fast shows how desperate u are.u may not be but he might thing u are.if u ignore him and just kinda talk to him then u'll get his attention more if u keep acting desperate his gonna get freaked out and just ignore u trying to ... (read in full...)

He's just disappeared

Q.   So I've been crushing over this guy the whole quarter, he's really shy and he has shown interest, I've talked to my friends about him and they all think he just got no guts to go up to me, and now its the last week of school, and i'm trying to go ...

A.   9 June 2009: if his friends are smiling and staring at u then he must like u too and is really shy so he told his friends and of course his friends are gonna smile and stare or he told his friends that ur buggin bbut i dont think thats the long as its a ... (read in full...)

I'm terrible with girls

Q.   (Mod Note: Questions have been merged.) 1. I have a problem. I have a crush on my niece. Wait, let me explain =) She's the daughter of my stepbrother, though he adopted her. She's really pretty (and 20), has a great sense of humor, great taste in...

A.   9 June 2009: i dont think theres a problem in dating a niece but i'm sure it would be weird sitting at the dinner table wit family on holidays. try changing ur style but not ur attitude be more open with things around u go meet someone great get ur phone out and ... (read in full...)

I'm working with him on Friday, how should I react?

Q.   For the last six weeks I was seeing a guy who had a girlfriend (some of you may have read my previous questions) and now I know how much of a mistake it was but unfortunately I really liked him and kept seeing him. He told me he wanted to break up ...

A.   8 June 2009: he has the right to blankk u out.i mean he has a girlfriend and to him u just seemed like the other extra piece of cake on the side.u wanted him so much u were willing to ruin the relationship wit him gf and him.but dont blame urself its his fault ... (read in full...)

Guy 1, Guy 2, Guy 3, which one is best for me?

Q.   I am stuck in the middle between three guys. I am going to give you all a piece of information and my feelings regarding each of them. The rest is up to you my Aunt's to help me. Thank you for ALL that take the time to actually read this, and thank ...

A.   8 June 2009: guy number one seems like trouble..u guys fought and broke up dramatically then when u guys saw each other u kept kissing me he seems like no matter wat he'll do u'll always be running back and i'm sure his not gonna take the relationship ... (read in full...)

Guy problems!!!

Q.   okay i have a problem - so this guy[#1] and i have been talking and are going to a movie tonight but yesterday I found out that this one guy[#2] that i liked a lot liked me so like all my feelings for guy#1 ive been talking to went like completly ...

A.   8 June 2009: i'm confused on wat ur trying to say the ___ confused me but whoever u like alot and u feel like the have a less chance of breaking ur heart and someone who u get along wit really good then there ya go..but i cant tell u wat to do cuz i dont know ... (read in full...)

What can I say in an email to let him know I'm interested, without being too pushy?

Q.   I've fallen in love before, I've had my share of boyfriends and I thought there were no surprises on how falling in love happens to me. I have never been a believer of the so-called "love at first sight". I thought things at first sight were pur...

A.   8 June 2009: i think his interested.i mean if he wasnt intrested then why would he tell u to email him and have the time to reply..if u feel eager then send him another email saying wat u wanted to say something u didnt mention in the last email and i honestly ... (read in full...)

Is it a problem that I have only been liking taken guys and guys that I don't talk to?

Q.   I have been best friends with these two guys for a long time... one's taken and the other got asked out by 4 girls... I hate the fact once the other gets a girlfriend he won't talk to me but the taken one only talks to me when he's not talking to ...

A.   8 June 2009: its normal to like guys that are wit someone or the guys that u talk to.i do that too i like something i cant have and its perfectly normal..i think naww just kidding :D ha it is totally normal.but i sugges talking to the guys u never talk to and ... (read in full...)

Is he actually interested at all? Should I get him off my mind?

Q.   i am definitly confused,please someone help me.a long time ago i went to this party and ive seen this guy there.the next day i went on myspace and wrote the guy a message saying the party was awesome and his a college guy and he said he has seen ...

A.   7 June 2009: i ment he was dancing wit a girl sorry ... (read in full...)

I still can't get over him

Q.   ok there's this guy I liked well long story short we were out and he walked me home we made out and kinda did that for a week then he asked me out but we only dated for a week until he dumped me and went back ok with his ex than he dumped her and is ...

A.   18 May 2009: u shouldnt tell him how u feel because if his wit this other chick for a month it means he might actually care for her so dont feel selfish trying to ruin that.wat u have to learn is that no matter how old or young u are,no matter how pretty or ugly ... (read in full...)

Was it love or what?

Q.   My ex-boyfriend said it's stupid to say i love you. even if you do mean it. and we went out for 9 months and said i love you all the time. So... did he really love me or what? i'm confused. help?...

A.   18 May 2009: if he said its stupid saying i love u then that pretty much means to him it didnt mean anything.but his ur ex u guys are over u shouldnt worry about it theres someone else u'll meet that we'll love u and mean it.i'm sure u werent the one for him ... (read in full...)

Why did she contact me all of a sudden?

Q.   My girlfriend who last month turned 25 broke up with me over 4 months ago. It was not a bad break up, she felt as if she wasent putting the effort i was in the relationship. I was sad , heartbroken but went on. We dated for 1 year, well I kept busy ...

A.   18 May 2009: i'm sure she called just to hear ur voice..i dont think u should give her a chance at all but of course its only ur choice if u feel like shes not trying then i think u should stop trying too and just move on..if shes drunk and dailed ur number it ... (read in full...)

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