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We have a phone relationship. Could he like me romantically?

Tagged as: Dating, Long distance<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 September 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 21 September 2009)
A female age , anonymous writes:

I've recently struck up a relationship with a man over the phone. We've known each other for many years, but he was married and I was married. He'll be divorced in January and I am also separated from my husband. We started talking innocently enough, but now we talk sometimes more than once a day and never go more than a day without talking to each other. We seem to be supporting each other since we are both divorcing and I always look forward to him calling. And, I'm pretty sure he likes it when I call him too. He's recently asked me to go on a vacation with him and another one of his female friends in March. He says they are just friends, and it would be fun for all of us to go.

My question is, does he like me as a friend or is it turning into more of a romantic thing?

We live in neighboring states and I'm going to meet him in three weeks and get together for drinks.

I really like him and think about him all the time. We are really connecting, but I'm not sure if he just considers me a friend that he can talk to or if he likes me. He said he was really looking forward to seeing me in three weeks.

We've never talked romantically to each other over the phone. We just talk about life and our divorces/separations for hours sometimes.

When I meet him in three weeks, should I push it to see if he does like me more than a friend? Should I say something like I have a crush on him? Or, should I just meet him and approach the situation as a friendship like we interact on the phone?


View related questions: crush, divorce

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A female reader, mimisoph3 United States +, writes (21 September 2009):

mimisoph3 agony auntjust talking on the phone is romantic at first but it does get tiring.maybe he doesnt want to seem like his moving too fast from his wife so he wants to take things slow.but he should also be able to have a date with u

ask him if he sees u guys tgether in the about u two and also about the future and see wat he says if it doesnt click then u'll know if his intrested or not

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