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I really like the co-worker who I slept with but she's non committal and there's this other girl who's interested in me. What do I do?

Q.   I’ll get right to it, I have a friend that’s also a coworker and we’ve been friends for years, and honestly I’ve always wanted more but haven’t expressed myself. Until recently, I expressed my feelings and we talked and it was just a line that we ...

A.   16 September 2019: I really appreciate all of the insight and advice, there’s not I’ll intent on my end and I’ve truly never been in this situation before, it’s a difficult thing but I know the right thing to do now. Its deffinatley hard to the right thing sometimes ... (read in full...)

How could my girlfriend move on from a 4 year relationship so quickly and already be with another man?

Q.   Two Weeks ago, my relationship of 4 years ended with my girlfriend. i have been devastated, things have not been good for a while, but i was willing to do whatever it took as i never saw myself being with anyone else. we have not been intimate in ...

A.   1 July 2018: Thank you all, I think I’m just searching for vaidation in my feelings, it’s hard, and after 4 years this is going to take time. Letting go is what I need to focus on, it’s just hard. Things should have ended a while ago, I was just hanging on to ... (read in full...)

How could my girlfriend move on from a 4 year relationship so quickly and already be with another man?

Q.   Two Weeks ago, my relationship of 4 years ended with my girlfriend. i have been devastated, things have not been good for a while, but i was willing to do whatever it took as i never saw myself being with anyone else. we have not been intimate in ...

A.   30 June 2018: I understand what I need to do, and I realize this has been happening, or in motion for a while. We never want to admit something we know is going to hurt, inevitably I know I will be ok with time. It doesn’t make it any easier. I’m just a very ... (read in full...)

I think my girlfriend might be in touch with her ex but I am afraid to bring it up

Q.   i have been with my girlfriend for almost 3 years now, Trust is something that is always earned, and unfortunately she has lied to me a few times, so i really have a difficult time sometimes when situations don't feel right or i get the feeling shes ...

A.   29 July 2017: Thank you so much! This makes a lot of sense and is what I'm trying to do, I have to keep giving her the Benifit of the doubt. And i definitely don't want it to turn into a fight. His intentions can be anything they want. It's what she ultimately ... (read in full...)

I think my girlfriend might be in touch with her ex but I am afraid to bring it up

Q.   i have been with my girlfriend for almost 3 years now, Trust is something that is always earned, and unfortunately she has lied to me a few times, so i really have a difficult time sometimes when situations don't feel right or i get the feeling shes ...

A.   28 July 2017: I know for a fact she has been talking to him, and he recently split up with his girlfriend, so im pretty sure the reason hes been messaging her, i know hes trying to get her to come around. Shes lied before about wheres shes been to me, thats why ... (read in full...)

How far should someone hang their feelings out there before enough is enough?

Q.   How far should someone hang their feelings out there before enough is enough.. Sadly i know the answer to my main question, but im asking for help anyway. Iet someone out of my life last year that i shouldnt have. She has a bf now, and we talk ...

A.   9 August 2011: Both good points.. I know shes scared ill do it again but the little sane part left tells me if things were really bad or she felt the same she would either do something about it, or be honest and say she cant and let me go.. I hope it clears up.. ... (read in full...)

How far should someone hang their feelings out there before enough is enough?

Q.   How far should someone hang their feelings out there before enough is enough.. Sadly i know the answer to my main question, but im asking for help anyway. Iet someone out of my life last year that i shouldnt have. She has a bf now, and we talk ...

A.   9 August 2011: Thanks for the advice.. I know thats what shes afraid of.. So ive just hung in and tried to show her its different this time. I guess well see what happens... (read in full...)

I don't want to be the reason for a break up but I still like her and she likes me too!

Q.   So part of growing up means admitting your wrong and realizing when you made a mistake.. I was seeing a girl last summer whome i liked but at the time it was the wrong time for me.. I thought i was doing the right thing by ending things to be fair ...

A.   6 June 2011: I appreciate the advice.. I guess ill stay in touch but try not to pry or get.involved with her business when it comes to him..... (read in full...)

How do I go about not acting insecure even if I am?

Q.   Please help me i feel like a lost cause anymore... kinda.. anyway ive had a bad string of relationships always the guy getting hurt or cheated on... well im dating a girl now who until about a week ago i thought everything was great... she pretty ...

A.   26 February 2010: thanks man... ik its hard to do... but it was like that for two months.. she was always about being with me whenever she could and it just stopped.. all she said is she doesn't want it to be like her previous relationship where they ended up living ... (read in full...)

Help! Should I give her some space?

Q.   Just looking for a little advice here... ive been dating a girl now for a couple months and its been great, everything i could ask for and more.. however the last week has left me questioning one or two things. She doesn't seem as excited or just ...

A.   23 February 2010: thanks:) she does give a different vibe than other girls ive been with.. its just hard not to think bad things when thats all thats happend to you in the past.. i almost don't want to say anything.. i don't want to seem insecure.. i suppose maybe ... (read in full...)

I am in the friend zone and want to move out!

Q.   Oh what am i to do? and why do i get myself in these situations? Ive been talking to a girl for a few weeks whom ive known for a while but just started to actually get to know.. i feel theres chemistry there but she has a boyfriend.. one who she ...

A.   26 December 2009: well shes not really broken up with him... just doesn't seem like she wants to be in the relationship...... (read in full...)

Why does this girl keep bringing up our past, she sleeps around!

Q.   I just need to Vent a little... I really can't believe how rotten some people can really be... I was seeing a girl for about 5 months in said time she just put a good game on and really is a terrible manipulative rotten person.. Slept around ALO...

A.   14 October 2009: I could but its a small town... wouldn't last for long shed find a way to get at me if she really wanted to idk... just can't imagine doing this to somebody... (read in full...)

Am so used to being used and mistreated, it's what I look for now in a relationship! How do I end the cycle?

Q.   Is there something wrong with me? Has this really changed me? I was in a bad relationship where I was lied and cheated on. I forgave her and it just never got better. Things ended kind of with occasional relapses in hanging out. I absolutely was ...

A.   7 October 2009: Im Just So afraid because this has hurt me worse than anything really that i won't let myself do it again... Its like im unconciously finding reasons not to like this new girl... im trying to just enjoy her company i am but the other one just is ... (read in full...)

Am so used to being used and mistreated, it's what I look for now in a relationship! How do I end the cycle?

Q.   Is there something wrong with me? Has this really changed me? I was in a bad relationship where I was lied and cheated on. I forgave her and it just never got better. Things ended kind of with occasional relapses in hanging out. I absolutely was ...

A.   6 October 2009: Deep Down i do know im not over her... i guess i just don't know why.. how can you love someone who does just mean things and has no regaurd for you at all? I don't want to ruin anything with this new girl.. were not technically dating but i just ... (read in full...)

Do you think she really means it? Do people really change? I have lots of questions..

Q.   What does it really mean when someone says there not ready go be with anyone right now, but everytime your together its like youve been together for a long time? If someones feelings are strong enough should it really matter? or do people really ...

A.   5 August 2009: I do know this in my heart, but i can't seem to let go.. its so hard when nobody else makes me feel that way when were together, but at the sametime how horrible i feel at the same time, its so discouraging honestly sometimes i think im just ... (read in full...)

I feel like I'm stuck with one wheel in the mud...

Q.   I feel like I'm stuck with one wheel in the mud.. I was seeing a girl that just did everything wrong lied cheated and lied some more. it crushed me and she wouldn't admit to it. Finally after all said she admits that she did some really messed up ...

A.   1 July 2009: thats just it, about every day she talks to me and says something along the lines of still having feelings for me... when i call her out or say something she stops texting until later or the next day completely changing the subject... (read in full...)

She wont stop lying!

Q.   Im just so messed up right now. i just don't know how someone can do this or its just me... a girl i was seeing typical was great to start. Then just too many wierd things and hearing things that she had done or lied to me about. could never get her ...

A.   26 May 2009: true, but she admitted the guy came back to her appt, and Nothing happend.. its just too much and their not really rumors their coming from Good Friends of mine who have seen her out and have no reason to lie to me..... (read in full...)

She claims she really wants to be with me but I don't know if it's real!

Q.   This Is a bad situation to begin with i know. About 2 months ago now i was reintroduced to my friends cousin who is/was Engaged, Red flag right there i know. Last time i met here was a few years back, I always had feelings for her, and i find out ...

A.   29 April 2009: I have and unfortunately the only source is mother who has already proved to be a little Batty lol. she seems almost bipolar telling her daughter nasty things one day and being nice the next. I feel she wants her to be with the ex, There is a child ... (read in full...)

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