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*ood Girl agony aunt

*ood Girl

United States  (Female   XML/RSS

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*ood Girl's profile:

Hi, I'm a back-to-schooler, ex-hitch-hiker in my 20's. Kind of a hippie, hopeless romantic with probably impossible standards.I like to listen to people, but probably talk about myself too much.

I love the country, but live in the city. I am a gardening nut. I have a dog and he is the only man in my life. I confess I am a dork, but no one ever believes me. I wish for world peace and an end to hunger. I wish I were more of an activist.

123Next > [3 pages, 66 answers]

We've been through more than anyone can imagine, and now, years later, I want to find him again. What should I do?

Q.   Okay, this may be a bit of a long story as the saga has been going on for 14 years. I believe in Destiny. I believe in love. I do not understand how it works though, and sometimes I question my sanity. I was 14 years old when I met my first lov...

A.   11 February 2010: It's over. I ended it. I'm glad that I tried, but once again our timing was wrong and we just couldn't communicate through the obstacles. We played the game fairly, and im proud of us for that. Now I have to heal and step back and look at this year. ... (read in full...)

How do I make "sexting" more interesting?

Q.   Ok i have this problem my boyfriend knows alot about sexting (saying sexual stuff you want to do through text)and hes alot better at it then me. I think cause iv never realy done it before. I like know the basics saying i want to have .... with you ...

A.   7 February 2010: Lol don't get good at it or you'll be doing all the talking from now on! Appreciate what you've got honey. Ask a lot of questions like "where" and "how" and "how hard?" and say Yes, yes, YES!" and all that. :) Have fun!... (read in full...)

We've been through more than anyone can imagine, and now, years later, I want to find him again. What should I do?

Q.   Okay, this may be a bit of a long story as the saga has been going on for 14 years. I believe in Destiny. I believe in love. I do not understand how it works though, and sometimes I question my sanity. I was 14 years old when I met my first lov...

A.   7 January 2010: Ok, part one of this update is I hope I can finish in 2 parts. I want to say here that though it is truly getting more difficult to wait, we haven't been sexual with each other. I don't ask what he does with his wife because if he said he ... (read in full...)

We've been through more than anyone can imagine, and now, years later, I want to find him again. What should I do?

Q.   Okay, this may be a bit of a long story as the saga has been going on for 14 years. I believe in Destiny. I believe in love. I do not understand how it works though, and sometimes I question my sanity. I was 14 years old when I met my first lov...

A.   7 January 2010: Hi guys! Hope your holidays were full of love and happiness and that the new year is bringing you more! There has been a lot going on here! I'll try not to babble too much but if I do I'll post another update in a couple of days and give you guys ... (read in full...)

My partner has banned me from having a dog.

Q.   I am utterly desperate for a dog. I am a huge dog lover and have been raised with loads of animals. I have been with my partner for 4 years and he has refused to let me ever get a dog. How on earth can i make him see this is unreasonable and is ...

A.   31 December 2009: Get a dog! My ex did that to me. He also didn't want me to finish college. I got a dog. I'm still in school. He's gone and I'm so glad! I love my dog. His name is Ezra. I named him after my favorite poet and he and I are so happy! If your boyfriend ... (read in full...)

Who gets custody when mother has been physically abusive and father has failed a drug test?

Q.   my brother is having domestic issues hes divorced his son lived with their mother and the teacher just reported marks over his body to the police shes arrested the father failed drug test over pot the son reported that his mom and his moms mom...

A.   23 December 2009: Go to your state's judicial website and look under the themes of child's best interests and also custody rights. As the poster below says it will depend on his age. I pray that he is able to come home for Christmas and remain safe from abuse from ... (read in full...)

Is my dream proof that my ex was my soulmate?

Q.   My boyfriend and I broke up five months ago and I just can't get over him. I have known him for about a year and we were good friends for most of that time. We would go on dates whenever he came to town because it was long distance and we would talk ...

A.   23 December 2009: I believe in dreams like that. I don't think you are ready to be in a serious relationship with anyone else since you still feel this way about your first. Just try to be supportive while he battles against his addiction. You were probably right to ... (read in full...)

Why am I bleeding from sex?

Q.   why am I bleeding from my clit? I had sex about 4-5 days ago and today it started burning and hurting really bad down there so whaen I went to the bathroom to check I saw I was bleeding from the clit, it was a lil bit of blood but it was still very ...

A.   19 December 2009: You should go see a doctor while you still have these symptoms. I don't believe anyone on this site is a OB/GYN and unless they are, or even if they are that is not a good substitute for having this looked at by a professional. I hope you are fine ... (read in full...)

Are these gifts a little strange?

Q.   If I get turned on when my wife wears leggings, and I get her a couple pair of leggings from Victoria's Secret, along with a sleep shirt to wear with each, do you think she might find this kind of strange? Our sex life is not so great, needs ...

A.   17 December 2009: That is not weird. That's so cute! Have fun!... (read in full...)

So much differenece and so much alike!

Q.   Okay I have a big problem. Like a year ago I start going out with a man youngest than me,exactly half of my age. We did have so much good time and we still have it but I know we cant stay together for long because I just don't want nobody in my ...

A.   17 December 2009: If you don't want to be with him tell him that he must go. If he threatens you go to the police. Get a restraining order if he won't listen to you. Try to destroy any evidence he has of you like those videos first. Seek support groups for battered ... (read in full...)

He said he'd call, but he hasn't. will he?

Q.   I was with my exboyfriend for 2 years. We lived together and were seriously talking about marriage. I made a huge mistake and moved out. I was really stressed out and thought he was the cause. Now that I have moved out, I am miserable and want him ...

A.   17 December 2009: I just believe it..just try to keep smiling, no frowny y'hear? :P... (read in full...)

I get teased because I don't make out with g/f

Q.   everyone of my friends bugs me about not makeout with my gf when we r alone how do imake the move and then how do i makeout...

A.   17 December 2009: Don't do anything until you are ready. Forget those wankers! Next thing they'll want to hear every gory detail. They'll proceed to make fun of you no matter what you did or didn't do and probably try to ruin your girl's reputation to boot! Kiss her ... (read in full...)

I wasn't penetrated so I'm still a virgin, aren't I?

Q.   ok so here's thing... last night my boyfriend and i were in the back seat of his car and we were just mucking around exploring each other's bodies, when he started to push against me which was fine because i wanted him to but i didn't want him to e...

A.   17 December 2009: You are still a virgin. You should carry condoms when you are with him just in case you decide that it's time. Sounds like he's been a gentleman, but make sure he knows what you want and do not want. Have fun!... (read in full...)

How much do guys think about sex?

Q.   Hi, I've had a question on my mind for some time now. I was wondering how much do guys really think about sex? I've heard from some of my guy friends that they think about it all the time. Is that true? How much of your time is spent thinking about ...

A.   17 December 2009: It's true that for most men sex is constantly happening in their brains. That doesn't mean that they all think that that is the most important thing about women or relationships. For some it is but for many there is much more to life.I'm a girl, but ... (read in full...)

Is she leading me on? Or confused?

Q.   Hello, I recently have been hanging out with this girl on whom I am very interested in. She flirts with me constantly (touches me, playfully slaps me, she even sort of bit my shoulder). She gives me her number at work and I told her I'll call he...

A.   17 December 2009: I'm sorry about your day! Shitastic is the word. I hope you got all the bad news you'll get for a very long time and things start looking up as of right now. I would research this girl's availability before getting any more wrapped up in her. If she ... (read in full...)

He said he'd call, but he hasn't. will he?

Q.   I was with my exboyfriend for 2 years. We lived together and were seriously talking about marriage. I made a huge mistake and moved out. I was really stressed out and thought he was the cause. Now that I have moved out, I am miserable and want him ...

A.   17 December 2009: Guys don't handle rejection very well and I'm sure that both of you are feeling very insecure. He may be afraid of you rejecting him again! It sounds like both of you know each other well and are learning to communicate. I would go forward with your ... (read in full...)

No contact since Monday night, what's up with him.

Q.   Alright, well I met a guy online. We have been talking back and forth for about a month. This has involved texting, emailing, and talking on the phone. We had made plans to do something this past Sunday together. Unfortunately, Sunday morning I ...

A.   17 December 2009: Try giving him some time. Maybe he's nervous to meet you because he's afraid to change the dynamic of your relationship. Just let him come to you, as I'm sure he will. Try to be a good listener and maybe he'll give you the reason for his ... (read in full...)

How can I convince a lover to stay without throwing myself at them?

Q.   how could i show someone that i love them and want to be with them, and convince them not to leave out of state without actually throwing myself at them?...

A.   9 November 2009: When in doubt, give. Even if he still decides to go...he may come back soon when he realizes what he left behind. Just throw yourself at him!... (read in full...)

My academic performance is suffering because of my attraction - I'm afraid he'll think I'm mediocore!

Q.   I have written before about a teacher's assistant that I have developed feelings for. He is a Ph.D candidate and I am in my senior year. We are both very shy people but we have been warming up to each other, being more familiar and communicating ...

A.   9 November 2009: I don't really know how to properly frame this answer so I'll just be blunt. Sometimes men like to have a margin of superiority in some departments. That makes them feel a bit more comfortable in the "you needing them" department. Everyone, no ... (read in full...)

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Q.   I'm in a awkward place in my life, I feel like I have no direction nor anything to look forward to. I've been questioning a lot about life. I consider myself to be a good person and my attitude towards life is treat others as you want to be treat...

A.   6 November 2009: Life is very harsh and not only do bad things happen to good people but they are the ones with the biggest hearts that have to feel the full force of these blows. Love is the only thing we truly have to give in this life and hard experiences should ... (read in full...)

Will I always be alone?

Q.   I'm beginning to get quite down on myself. It's been a long time since I've had a relationship. I'm not giving up hope on finding that someone, it's just the advice I keep getting from friends seems so contradictory. For instance, everyo...

A.   6 November 2009: You are going through what I call the "mid-twenties lull" too young to go out and get it out of that gnawing, desperate "I'm getting older" feeling, too old to have the same wild sense of adventure that usually leads to trouble. Allow yourself to be ... (read in full...)

Shaving rash - how do I prevent it and is it a turn off?

Q.   this is a question for the ladies.. its a simple, common thing but its really annoying! SHAVING RASH. how do i get it smoother down there without the rash? thanks girls :) and guys.. do you care about when hair grows back a bit? i mean its h...

A.   6 November 2009: Try using hair conditioner instead of shaving cream. Moisturize lightly after too. Wear breathable undergarments, no lace where you've shaved, this will irritate your skin. Guys always lik it smooth but you gotta tak a break sometimes so just shave ... (read in full...)

Are they setting me up for something?

Q.   Hello. please don't judge me until you read it till the may sound silly and just lame teens thing,but its not ,please take the time to read it and help me. I'm 16 years old and when i was 13 my family moved to another state .it was ha...

A.   6 November 2009: I would report Chuck to the police reguardless of the effect on your reputation. Life is long, highschool is short and you can leave that city and those boys far behind. Just try to not let your past mistakes become a pattern in your future. Learn ... (read in full...)

Do I have a chance with my sister in law?

Q.   Some background. About 10 months ago I started a relationship with my Sister In Law. Yes I know its messy. We just had that instant connection. Over the 10 months we realized so many things about ourselves and life in general. I have always ...

A.   6 November 2009: Hi thanks for your post .I am not sure that I have great, impartial advice to give as I am going through nearly the same thing and it is torture. I have waited alone for nearly a year..we never had sex but it is what i consider to be an emotional ... (read in full...)

We've been through more than anyone can imagine, and now, years later, I want to find him again. What should I do?

Q.   Okay, this may be a bit of a long story as the saga has been going on for 14 years. I believe in Destiny. I believe in love. I do not understand how it works though, and sometimes I question my sanity. I was 14 years old when I met my first lov...

A.   1 November 2009: Hi there. So far no fairytale ending, in fact it seems after all this time that we may have the timing wrong or lack the communication skills to make it. It has been over 7 months since we first talked and if anything I am more uncertain now. I ... (read in full...)

We've been through more than anyone can imagine, and now, years later, I want to find him again. What should I do?

Q.   Okay, this may be a bit of a long story as the saga has been going on for 14 years. I believe in Destiny. I believe in love. I do not understand how it works though, and sometimes I question my sanity. I was 14 years old when I met my first lov...

A.   1 November 2009: Hi there. So far no fairytale ending, in fact it seems after all this time that we may have the timing wrong or lack the communication skills to make it. It has been over 7 months since we first talked and if anything I am more uncertain now. I ... (read in full...)

Brother and best friend getting married on the same day

Q.   Question:What should I do? My best friend is getting married on a Saturday next July. She's had it booked for 4 months. When my brother got engaged, I told them that particular Saturday was "off limits" if possible because my best friend's wedding ...

A.   16 October 2009: So glad to hear that things may work out! What a great friend! Yeah idk bout that guy. Must hav been having a bad day. I think you sound like a considerate person. I hope you get to have fun at both weddings! Take care.... (read in full...)

Is he just keeping his options open?

Q.   I need a advise..I've been dating this guy for about...4 months now..and he shows all the signs that he's really into me..calls just to see how my day is Funny,nice,romantic, I feel silly but cuddles after sex..looks into my eyes tells me I'm beau...

A.   14 October 2009: Sounds like he's really into you actually. Some people just don't like to put labels on everything. If you want to know if he plans on seeing you exclusively, just ask him. Don't get defensive about it though. He probably thinks things are going ... (read in full...)

I'm drowning at university, and feel like I don't have the strength to paddle

Q.   I am a senior in college and I just transferred to a new university. The semester started at the end of August so I am about 2 months into the term and it is not going well at all. Midterms have just ended and I have received most of my exam/essay ...

A.   14 October 2009: I hear you! One semester can be a cakewalk (relatively speaking). The next feels like a disaster! Ask your professors if they can grade on a curve or assign you some extra credit. Ask them if they'll drop your lowest test grade. Stress can damage ... (read in full...)

Brother and best friend getting married on the same day

Q.   Question:What should I do? My best friend is getting married on a Saturday next July. She's had it booked for 4 months. When my brother got engaged, I told them that particular Saturday was "off limits" if possible because my best friend's wedding ...

A.   14 October 2009: Well to answer your first question, i dont believe that you were wrong to give your bro a heads up. Secondly i would be upset too, but would try not to be visibly so. You'll have your sister-in-law around for a long time after this. Number ... (read in full...)

Is it OK to add her to my FB friends list without asking her first?

Q.   Hi, right now i like a girl and i dont really talk to her. So i keep thinking if i should add her on my facebook friends list so i/we could talk a lot. But the point is if i should add her without asking or asking first. Whenever i look at her...

A.   14 October 2009: If you send her a message right after friending her explaining why you friended her that may help. Also this may be a solution to being nervous about expressing your feelings face to face. If you are polite she should have no reason to be upset. Do ... (read in full...)

Am I selfish for not wanting to settle down just yet?

Q.   hi to all. been a long time since i last checked my dearcupid. i just want your honest opinions and/or comments. im in a gay relationship right now. he's 43 and im 19. we are going for 1 year in december. yes, i am happy with him. we are exclus...

A.   14 October 2009: I don't think you are selfish as long as you do your best to be honest with your man and are considerate of his feelings no matter what you decide to do. It is natural for you to feel this way at your age and he must understand that. He did wait ... (read in full...)

What should I get my boyfriend for Christmas? Please help

Q.   Ok so my boyfriend and I have been dating for over 2 1/2 years now you would think I would know what to get him for Christmas by now. I have read suggestions on other posts and they don't help very much. We live together at college so we share ...

A.   14 October 2009: Maybe try making him something cute if you are crafty, something that makes him laugh (guys love to laugh) like if you knit a crazy colored pair of socks. It doesn't have to be perfect, just something to show that you've been thinking of him. Or you ... (read in full...)

I can't afford protection so are there any other methods of birth control?

Q.   My boyfriend wants me to live with him in his car. He hates his father and his mother kicked him out. He asked me to help him clean it out because of all the vodka bottles in the back seat. He chain smokes, so that will take some getting used to. ...

A.   10 October 2009: Please listen. Do not do anything with this guy! You have a home, however crappy it seems. This gut has nothing to offer you. If you care for him help him to find a real place to love, but do not move into his car. I was homeless for several years ... (read in full...)

Did I misread her signals?

Q.   Well where to begin.I am 19 i will be 20 shortly and ic never had a gf..nor have i ever been on a date or even had my first kiss yet.i dont know if im what you would call picky but it's just when i feel a connection with someone is when i like them ...

A.   10 October 2009: You poor guy. When you do meet a girl who can appreciate you i think you will make her very happy! Considerate guys like you are a bit rare, especially guys who are willing to let their guard down a bit. Is it possible for you to meet girls face to ... (read in full...)

We've been through more than anyone can imagine, and now, years later, I want to find him again. What should I do?

Q.   Okay, this may be a bit of a long story as the saga has been going on for 14 years. I believe in Destiny. I believe in love. I do not understand how it works though, and sometimes I question my sanity. I was 14 years old when I met my first lov...

A.   10 October 2009: I want to thank all of you for your help and advice without which i may not have had the courage to see my heart through. THere is a long journey ahead before Kevin and I can live our dream, but we are close friends and our friendship has been ... (read in full...)

Should I send another text or just hold my breath?

Q.   For background, my first question was in March. It's called "We've been through more than anyone can imagine..." Thank you! Hi guys, i want to thank you again for all your help and kindness. I wish i had a happier update on the situation but i ma...

A.   10 October 2009: I want to thank all of you for your help and advice without which i may not have had the courage to see my heart through. THere is a long journy ahead before Kevin and I can live our dream, but we are close friends and our friendship has been ... (read in full...)

Lost love and found?

Q.   Hi I have never done this before, but am in turmoil. I was reading some other chats on here and decided to tell my story. I am totally in love with my childhood sweetheart. He has been married about 15 years now. I am so ashamed about it...

A.   1 August 2009: oh my god. i am going through exactly what you are. I have no good advice but i can tell you that you may be in for a bumpy road. I recently got back in touch with my high school sweetheart and soul mate who i have incessantly thought of and ... (read in full...)

We've been through more than anyone can imagine, and now, years later, I want to find him again. What should I do?

Q.   Okay, this may be a bit of a long story as the saga has been going on for 14 years. I believe in Destiny. I believe in love. I do not understand how it works though, and sometimes I question my sanity. I was 14 years old when I met my first lov...

A.   1 August 2009: thank you that is great advice but something must be really wrong and i an truly miserable. we were so close... (read in full...)

I've been avoiding sex because I'm afraid of being compared to her other 30 partner!

Q.   I have a girlfriend and we have been official for just over a month now. I've known her for 3 years prior to getting involved with her. She is a lovely person, and I'm so glad we are together, but she recently confided in me that she has slept with ...

A.   31 July 2009: You really have impacted my opinion of men! Thank you! You must try as hard as you can to put this information out of your mind. While it was nice of her to be honest? with you she probably didn't realize that she would impact your performance with ... (read in full...)

We've been through more than anyone can imagine, and now, years later, I want to find him again. What should I do?

Q.   Okay, this may be a bit of a long story as the saga has been going on for 14 years. I believe in Destiny. I believe in love. I do not understand how it works though, and sometimes I question my sanity. I was 14 years old when I met my first lov...

A.   31 July 2009: Hi guys, i want to thank you again for all your help and kindness. I wish i had a happier update on the situation but i may be contorting the truth to make it seem worse than it really is. That is why i am asking for your help again. Here's the ... (read in full...)

We've been through more than anyone can imagine, and now, years later, I want to find him again. What should I do?

Q.   Okay, this may be a bit of a long story as the saga has been going on for 14 years. I believe in Destiny. I believe in love. I do not understand how it works though, and sometimes I question my sanity. I was 14 years old when I met my first lov...

A.   16 March 2009: Hi guys, good news! I'm so excited I can hardly type or even sit down! I did a little detective work of my own today and found him! He did not think I was stalkerish but rather very clever heehehee! I am deliriously happy but a fairytale ending is n... (read in full...)

We've been through more than anyone can imagine, and now, years later, I want to find him again. What should I do?

Q.   Okay, this may be a bit of a long story as the saga has been going on for 14 years. I believe in Destiny. I believe in love. I do not understand how it works though, and sometimes I question my sanity. I was 14 years old when I met my first lov...

A.   14 March 2009: Thank you guys so much! I'm so glad that I found this site. This has been so heavy on my heart for so long. My friends have always been supportive of me, but also protective. Many of them have never met him because I met them after I lost touch with ... (read in full...)

We've been through more than anyone can imagine, and now, years later, I want to find him again. What should I do?

Q.   Okay, this may be a bit of a long story as the saga has been going on for 14 years. I believe in Destiny. I believe in love. I do not understand how it works though, and sometimes I question my sanity. I was 14 years old when I met my first lov...

A.   14 March 2009: Thank both of you so much for answering. I really would like to find him, but wouldn't a PI be like stalking in my situation? I don't know how he would react to that, married or not. Is there any way that I can look him up myself? ... (read in full...)

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