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*avid ~gay~

United States  (Male   XML/RSS

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*avid ~gay~'s Ratings

Does he want me as much as I wdnt him?

Q.   i think this boy likes me but im not sure whether hes prettending to the problem is i like him were best mates in p.e. he will feel my bum and penis wat sal ido because im to emberrased to ask him out because he might not be gay...

A.   30 November 2009: just go for it if hes ur best friend then he'll understand i was embarrased once too just think about how u want to tell him and do it like during p.e. when hes doing that tell him how it feels and then just ease in the question or just do it back ... (read in full...)

Erections around guys!! Am I gay?

Q.   Does getting erections more often around guys than girls mean I'm gay. Or am i getting all worked up about nothing...

A.   30 November 2009: dude im gay look hang out with some of ur guy friends one night and some girls another and see witch ur more attracted to... (read in full...)

I feel so empty and hopeless after our breakup. How can I get through this?

Q.   Hi, this is marcus, I'm gay and I'm having such a hard time trying to move on, my boyfriend decided to end our relationship 5 months ago, and I still love him and miss him so much, he was really rude on our last talk, it was really heartbreaking. ...

A.   30 November 2009: i understand ur problem but im only 13 right so wat do i kno.. my bf did the same to me but what i did was tlk to him but i really did tlk to him i asked him how he felt about his choice leaving me he told me that this is what he really anymore i ... (read in full...)

Am I gradually turning gay? Or it is because my dad isn't here?

Q.   So, theres this teacher(guy) at my school who is very nice, tall and fairly ripped and good looking, alwase goes easy when a student misbehaves and so on. My dad was a sperm donor, so i never met him. I am 13, i dont know how old he is but looks mid ...

A.   30 November 2009: lol ur not gay trust me.. id actually go with what the others are saying but id try tlking to ur teacher too but i wouldnt go all out and hug him or anything id try to get him to like u like a son or a good friend like make sure u do all ur work in ... (read in full...)

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