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I've met his friends and family... does this mean he's serious this time?

Q.   my current boyfriend of 1 year has cheated on his 2 ex girlfriends with multiple one night stand partners. he was with the 2 ex girlfriends for 2 and 1 years respectively when he was 27 and 30 years old. they never found out he cheated. He is now...

A.   2 June 2010: So during your first month he was cheating on you and previous girlfriend? Why would he want to know if this other girl was single after pretending not to know her? I'm sorry, but this guy doesn't sound like he's changed. As Ask Oldersister has ... (read in full...)

Should I tell him how I feel or tell him to work things out with his baby mama?

Q.   Omg. People, please tell me what to do. I recently just stared talking to my ex-boyfriend as a friend again. When we broke up we were friends for a while, then i changed my number, then the holidays came around so i wished him the best, out of love. ...

A.   1 June 2010: You weren't interested until he texted you so why would you want him back now. He can't be all that if he's so disloyal to his current g/f. And I think you have crossed a line by telling her you can have him if you want! Put yourself in her shoes. ... (read in full...)

Why do I always keep running back to him?

Q.   dear cupid,i ve being in a flunctuating relationship that is almost lasting for 5 years now.we have not being able to keep it normal and cool, we always argue curse and then settle,untill it gets to a point of big obsession for me that i cnt let go ...

A.   1 June 2010: This man is a control freak. He is abusive and you appear to have little or no self esteem. Hard, I know, but cut him out of your life and get some counselling, it will make you stronger. Good luck. ... (read in full...)

How do I tell my boyfriend that I have met someone else without hurting him?

Q.   I am a female of 24 years I have been dating my boyfriend for 6 years six months now, the problem is that I have lost interest in him and have met someone I think I love, and he on the other hand wants to get married, how do I tell him all this ...

A.   1 June 2010: Agreed with all the above. Be honest with him. It'll will hurt, but not as much as if if you try to make excuses in the hope of letting him down gently. Yes, honesty, in this case, is the best policy.... (read in full...)

Situation with my ex girlfriend....

Q.   My ex started talking to me yesterday online 6 months after we broke up. We haven't spoken since then. So her talking and asking how I was was rather put of the blue. The conversation ended with her suggesting that we go on holiday together. What...

A.   1 June 2010: I agree with CindyCares. Suggesting a holiday out of the blue seems a bit full on.... (read in full...)

Come on people, am I in denial? Is this an obvious one or what?

Q.   I’m dating a guy who’s most cherished memories are when he was in a band as a singer and both men and women adored him. 1.He’s extremely meticulous about everything he does from dressing to cooking to barbering. He unconscienably spends hours in ...

A.   1 June 2010: And you are still there because.............?... (read in full...)

First love keep trying or give it up!!

Q.   I don't know where to start. I was married at 17 and have two children. We have been married for 30 years now. When my first child was about three months old I met the brother of my sisters boyfriend. There was an instant connection, but i was ...

A.   1 June 2010: You're bored and the rose tinted specs come out. From what you've said this guy is a no-hoper, and you should be thinking about your marriage and if there's any mileage left, when you've sorted that out, THEN move on. I don't think this guys too ... (read in full...)

I've met his friends and family... does this mean he's serious this time?

Q.   my current boyfriend of 1 year has cheated on his 2 ex girlfriends with multiple one night stand partners. he was with the 2 ex girlfriends for 2 and 1 years respectively when he was 27 and 30 years old. they never found out he cheated. He is now...

A.   1 June 2010: The fact that you need to ask this tells me that you don't really trust this guy. You should take note if your gut feelings. He may have found 'the one', I hope so - but you don't seem too sure. Good luck.... (read in full...)

Why are his ex-girlfriend's contacting me?

Q.   I broke up with my ex 5 years ago due to abuse. I was contacted by his ex gf 2 years ago and now contacted my another ex gf about his abuse. Why would ex's contact me? I just dont understand Im out of the picture!!!...

A.   1 June 2010: What are they saying when they contact you? Maybe, as a lot of abused women feel, think that they are on their own, and you can comfirm that it's this bully at fault - not them. Perhaps, if he was abusive they may consider going to the police and ... (read in full...)

He cheated and lied, where do I go from here?

Q.   I recently snooped through my fiancés phone and found an email from the end of April from a girl he used to date. It was clear they had been sleeping together and he asked her to email him some sexy pictures. I freaked and confronted him and he said ...

A.   1 June 2010: Let it go. You'll never trust him again, and that will eat you up. Good luck.... (read in full...)

It seems like my ex hates me, but then he insists he wants to be friends!

Q.   My ex and I started talking again and agreed that we both would like to be friends. The thing is I started realising that even though he brought up the friends thing it didnt really seem like he was trying to be my friend. He never asked how I was ...

A.   1 June 2010: I would leave it if I were you. My ex did the same sort of thing. He expected me to be there for him whenever he had a row with the new g/f, when he lost his job, etc. Yet couldn't even be bothered to text me when I lost my Dad recently. (He'd known ... (read in full...)

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