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Break up...I'm really not feeling much

Q.   i just went through a breakup last night, i didn't cry until this morning and i didnt cry for long, its not like i didnt care i really love this person, but now alls i feel is hate. is this normal?...

A.   4 March 2009: yes i think it is normal to feel "hate" i think it's down to feeling hurt by that person or just the breakup. ... (read in full...)

Why does she get to name the child?

Q.   My fiance and i are planning on have a kid soon but im kinda worried, because she seems to think that she gets to decide on what their names are because she is carrying them and is going to push them out not me. I understand what she is going to ...

A.   1 March 2009: is she even pregnant yet? if not i wouldn't bother sticking with her. sounds like she is very selfish and will probably be selfish about most things. naming a child is a joint event, unless the father buggered off before it was born of course. ... (read in full...)

Advice on making first time sex a wonderful experience

Q.   Dear Cupid, My girlfriend and i are thinking about having sex for the first time, but i dont know what to do to set the scene. i want it to be wonderful for her, as well as me. any advice on what i should do?...

A.   1 March 2009: hate to burst your "wonderful first time experience" but most girls will say that their first times were usually not that wonderful, due to it hurting and being a little awkward. all you can do is maybe set the mood and make sure you go slow and... (read in full...)

Why does a guy ignore the girl he likes?

Q.   when a teenage boy ignores the girl he likes(everyone is almost completely sure he likes her very much)and it's not the first he does it,could it mean he doesn't like her anymore?or it means he is confused or wants to move on?what reasosns could a ...

A.   28 February 2009: because boys your age don't know how to talk to girls. it's as simple as that.... (read in full...)

Feeling sick with diarrhea, after anal sex! Help!

Q.   My boyfriend and I had anal sex unprotected, and i then gave him a blow job. That was yesterday and today i am feeling sick with slight diarrhea, could this be because I sucked him after anal? :(...

A.   27 February 2009: urgh that's nasty! you should never go from anal to oral or to vaginal sex. there is so much bacteria in your ass no wonder you were ill. take some salts and drink plenty of fluid, the sickness will pass eventually. just don't do it again! you woul... (read in full...)

Feeling sick with diarrhea, after anal sex! Help!

Q.   My boyfriend and I had anal sex unprotected, and i then gave him a blow job. That was yesterday and today i am feeling sick with slight diarrhea, could this be because I sucked him after anal? :(...

A.   27 February 2009: urgh that's nasty! you should never go from anal to oral or to vaginal sex. there is so much bacteria in your ass no wonder you were ill. take some salts and drink plenty of fluid, the sickness will pass eventually. just don't do it again!... (read in full...)

I'm 13 and really want a baby! I'm depressed!

Q.   hiyyahh help me i realy want a baby and i'm 13 all my mates are sick of me twisting about it i feel depressed because i want one that bad i crave it ive saved money up and thought it through the only thing i dont want to tell my perants i k...

A.   27 February 2009: you know what you shouldn't do things just to please your bf. you are only 13, there are going to be plenty more bf's in the future and they will respect you a hell lot more then your current one! does he realise the finacial responsi... (read in full...)

I don't want him to know how inexperienced I am!

Q.   I lied to the guy that I fancy, we had a quick snog, I wasn't very good (because I have never done it before), he stopped and asked me what was up, I just said that it had been a while and my last boyfriend wasn't very nice to me and it has made me ...

A.   27 February 2009: take it from me...always be honest and tell the truth. lying will only create many problems later on! one lie leads to another and another and so on. it's not worth it. a relationship needs to be built on trust and honesty. if you can't be hones... (read in full...)

Can someone explain erectilve dysfunction?

Q.   hi could you tell me wot erectile dysfunction is and why you get it, and wot can be done thanks...

A.   27 February 2009: it's when a man has trouble getting an erection. i don't know why. i guess it's just a medical problem.... (read in full...)

Why do some girls want to become porn stars?

Q.   why do some girls want to be porn stars .why can't they get office jobs?...

A.   27 February 2009: not everyone wants to work in an office. the thought of that bores me. i can't think of anything worse. but that's just me. that's why i work in tv. anyway as for the porn's probably because they get a load of money for simply having sex. ... (read in full...)

Could sex be used as a way to celebrate friendship?

Q.   I have been working as an English teacher here in Poland. In about a month I am going to leave Poland and return to my home country. My issue involves two women. One woman is also an English teacher at the same language school that I teach at....

A.   27 February 2009: no it can't be. friends do not sleep with eachother. that's crossing the friendship line!... (read in full...)

AT 13, should we have sex?

Q.   im 13 and so is my boyfriend.we are really deeply in love with each other.we have been going out for 4 in a half months.we both want to but should we have sex ?...

A.   26 February 2009: HELL NO! you are still a child. not to mention it is illegal! what happened if you fell pregnant or caught an STD? your childhood would pretty much be over. save yourself untill you are older and ready for sex. at 13, kids are very immature an... (read in full...)

What do women 'really' want?

Q.   I've come to the realisation that when women talk about they want in men, the words cannot be trusted 100% - sure they may be some truth in what they say but not entirely or either not at all. Actions and behaviour prove the opposite. Women ten...

A.   26 February 2009: every woman is different, so there really isn't an exact answer for this question of what women want. everyone has their own ideas of what they want. you can't put all women into one box. ... (read in full...)

My husband is "gay for pay"?

Q.   Earlier this week I came home from work and found my husband in the living room on the floor writhing with another guy. The windows were blacked out. I asked him what the hell he was doing, and he was brazen enough to say he was making guy-on-gu...

A.   26 February 2009: it would have been a different matter if he had told you about his idea and you were ok with it. but for him to do it behind your back is worrying. also if he wanted to make porn, why gay porn? i think you have a few issues to sort out with him. ... (read in full...)

How to meet Latin women?

Q.   I have always loved Latin women. I have dated a few before. I am headed to visit an old friend in Argentina later this year and I see this as a way to meet a potential girlfriend in a place where I have heard there are beautiful women. But the ...

A.   26 February 2009: go to Miami or California... (read in full...)

Why do girls say they love you then leave you shortly afterwards for stupid reasons?

Q.   Why do girls say they love you then leave you shortly afterwards for stupid reasons? Is it just me? Why is my longest relationship only 2 months? I don't treat them badly, I always try my best to make them happy. I just don't get it. It makes me ...

A.   26 February 2009: you've just got to keep looking. maybe don't let yourself fall for a girl so easily. get to know her alot more before you make anything official.... (read in full...)

Am I too young to give him a handjob?

Q.   So I am 13 and I have a boyfriend who I absolutely adore and I really want to take it to the next level with him. Am I too young to give him a handjob? And if not how do I do so?...

A.   25 February 2009: if you are 13 then why does your age on here say 18-21? anyway if you don't no anything about handjobs,etc then you are not ready to give one. you are too young, as handjobs lead to blowjobs then sex. leave his penis in his pants and enjoy be... (read in full...)

Shouting out during sex

Q.   Can anyone offer any advice here. I have just split with my partner over the following. We have been together nearly 3 years and I loved him like no one else, but felt he showed his true colours the other evening. We had made love and in the heat ...

A.   25 February 2009: why are you turning something so small and pathetic into such a big deal? so what he heard you wrong, you should both beable to laugh it off. that's what relationships are all about. having fun together as well as being loving and caring. ... (read in full...)

Crying during sex?

Q.   Last weekend, my gf and i tried anal sex for the first time. The initial penetration hurt her a lot, but we took it really slow and i was able to enter her fully. The pain seemed to go away and i was able to start to thrust gently. But right in ...

A.   24 February 2009: maybe she wasn't enjoying it at all, but didn't want to hurt your feelings. it does sounds anal sex is not for her so i think you should talk to her about it and maybe not do it again unless she mentions it. for a man anal sex is exciting... (read in full...)

First time sex, the pain was an agony and it hurts when I urinate, is it normal?

Q.   I lost my virginity last night, i barely bled but i was so tense the pain was agony! we did it twice, without a condom but he withdrew before he came. Im sore now and it really really burns to wee, its awful! is this normal and will it always hurt ...

A.   23 February 2009: oh and it's not UTI! it's just from where your pee stings the slight tears in your vagina from where he thrusted too hard or from where you were not wet enough. next time use more foreplay! ... (read in full...)

First time sex, the pain was an agony and it hurts when I urinate, is it normal?

Q.   I lost my virginity last night, i barely bled but i was so tense the pain was agony! we did it twice, without a condom but he withdrew before he came. Im sore now and it really really burns to wee, its awful! is this normal and will it always hurt ...

A.   23 February 2009: sounds pretty common to me. BUT WHY DID YOU NOT USE A CONDOM!? just because he pulls out does not mean that you can't get pregnant or catch an STD. on his pre cum there are millions of sperm alone. it only takes one. be more responsible next time ... (read in full...)

How do I make my boobs smaller?

Q.   okay so im 13 years old and my boobs are ridiculously huge(about 44DD!) And i really hate it. no 13 year old should have boobs that big. I can't wear any cute clothes because my boobs are too big to fit in them. and boys are always staring at me and ...

A.   23 February 2009: diet and exercise. when your weight changes, your breasts also change. loose weight, then they shall go small. put on weight, they go bigger. ... (read in full...)

Why does he keep putting his hands on my bottom?

Q.   I met my friends friend a while back and we drank together and ended up kissing. He wanted to have sex but I said no and I found out he was a major player. We partied again some time later and he kept putting his hand on my butt, but I kept taking ...

A.   23 February 2009: it's a guy thing. sometimes when i am out partying with friends, i end up dancing with a random guy and after a few songs they try and touch your ass. all you have to do is move his hands away, if he keeps doing it just tell him that you don't want ... (read in full...)

She never says "I love you" first, what does this mean?

Q.   My girlfriend and I have been together for 3 months. She got out of a long term commitment last summer that was really hard on her. We've known each other over the years and we reconnected last fall. Our relationship has moved quickly and is very ...

A.   23 February 2009: i have been in this situation before. i had been with a guy for a couple of months and he told me he loved me. however i didn't love him, i cared for him, but it wasn't love. i think i told him that i loved him because i knew it would hurt him if i ... (read in full...)

He fingered I still a virgin?

Q.   My boyfriend fingered me and I think he broke my hymen. Am I still a virgin?...

A.   22 February 2009: you are still a virgin. you remain a virgin untill you have a penis enter your vagina. just because your hymen may have broke does not mean you have lost your virginity. some people break their hymen's through horse riding, bike riding,e... (read in full...)

Best wants to cheat on her b/f what do I say to her?

Q.   ok so my friend told me the other day that she cheated on her bf about a year ago with some guy she met through another friend. so anyway she finished it with the "guy" and ended up getting pregnant. i believe the baby is her bf's. however now she ...

A.   22 February 2009: well she told me today that she has broken up with him. so i guess that's it. ... (read in full...)

Why do children want to have children? It's so wrong and disturbing.

Q.   Why are there so many children who want and crave to have a baby?! I find it really disturbing that a 13 year old wants to have a baby. They have no clue about how to look after themselves, let alone a baby. Also why should tax payers pay for t...

A.   21 February 2009: you know what people really should read the questions properly before answering. this is not about teenagers who fall pregnant. it's about teens who crave and want babies at early ages of 13! it has nothing to do with teens who end up being preg... (read in full...)

How old were you when you first French-kissed?

Q.   Ummm. I've never pulled ( kissed with tounges ) a guy, I'm 13... How old were YOU when you first did that... Am I too young? ...

A.   20 February 2009: i was 17. ... (read in full...)

Masturbation and pregnancy?

Q.   my bf told its not good for girls to mastrbate because it will give them problems later in pregnancy. is this true? thank you...

A.   20 February 2009: masturbating does not cause pregnancy problems! if people can have sex when they are pregnant, then you can certainly masturbate. i think your bf needs a wake up call. we don't live in the dark ages. if you want to masturbate then you should. he ... (read in full...)

He came in me during anal sex, can it do harm?

Q.   Hi. My boyfriend and I regularly practice anal sex. Recently, he came inside me during anal. I don't know why I'm worried but it can't do any harm, can it?...

A.   20 February 2009: still best to use a condom, unless you know for sure that he is negative for STD's. if he is negative for STD's then i don't think there is any harm in him cumming in your ass. it's not much different to him cumming in your mouth if you are into ... (read in full...)

Why do children want to have children? It's so wrong and disturbing.

Q.   Why are there so many children who want and crave to have a baby?! I find it really disturbing that a 13 year old wants to have a baby. They have no clue about how to look after themselves, let alone a baby. Also why should tax payers pay for t...

A.   20 February 2009: you no what you are only 15. so your life experience is not that much, so you can't really tell me what's right and wrong. sorry to hear that you lost your daughter. but it still is not right for kids to want to have children. having accid... (read in full...)

I'm 14, he's 16, and I really don't care what people in school say, we just really want a baby.

Q.   I am 14 years old and my boyfriend is 16. we really want a baby. we have picked out a baby name and everything. i know my mom and dad would be really upset with me, but i really want this, so i dont know what to do. I mean everyone is always t...

A.   19 February 2009: why are kids in such a rush to become parents. you are not mature enough to look after a child. not to mention you have no way of finacially supporting the baby. i hate it when kids have kids and just get benefits. why should we, the tax payers have ... (read in full...)

Do women like for a man to shave his pubes?

Q.   Do most women or any like it for a man to shave is pubes? or is that weird? i have asked a girl that and she said if women do men should too. but do you think men should shave their pubes? ...

A.   19 February 2009: i love a little happy trail or snail trail. it's kinda sexy. but if a guy does not have one it does not bother me. you should ask her what she likes, as she is the only one who will see it. also only do what your comfortable with.... (read in full...)

Will sex be painful?

Q.   I have a tight foreskin and I'm going to have sex with my boyfriend. Would it be painful? If it would is there anything I can do to stop it being as painful?...

A.   19 February 2009: also ask yourself if you are really ready for sex? if you are you probably wouldn't be on here asking questions about it. don't rush into something if you are not ready, you could regret it. ... (read in full...)

Do lots of guys think vaginas are sort of gross/weird?

Q.   do most guys think vaginas are kind of gross? bc my boyfriend mentioned it the other day (he said "gross" isn't really the right word - and he kinda regretted using the word gross because he realized it probably came across as way too harsh. plus he ...

A.   19 February 2009: he just sounds like he is very inexperienced and does not have a clue about vagina's and how to make a girl feel good. ... (read in full...)

I'm 13 and really want a baby! I'm depressed!

Q.   hiyyahh help me i realy want a baby and i'm 13 all my mates are sick of me twisting about it i feel depressed because i want one that bad i crave it ive saved money up and thought it through the only thing i dont want to tell my perants i k...

A.   19 February 2009: you need to stop thinking about babies and enjoy being a CHILD! children shouldn't have children! wait untill you are alot older and in a stable relationship and have a good job. you may have said you have saved some money, but that won't su... (read in full...)

Any suggestions on how to get his grandma to let us sleep together?

Q.   My boyfriend and I are goiing to his grandma's house this weekend and we may be taking his little brother. We lived with his grandma for a few months and always slept in separate beds... but the little brother will make it so we are 1 bed short. ...

A.   19 February 2009: remember older people are very set in their ways. when they were younger they would only court eachother and the thought of sex before marriage was a big no no. also the thought of sharing a bed when not married was also a big no no. so i think you ... (read in full...)

Will sex be painful?

Q.   I have a tight foreskin and I'm going to have sex with my boyfriend. Would it be painful? If it would is there anything I can do to stop it being as painful?...

A.   19 February 2009: just because you can't get someone pregnant, does not mean you can't get an STD. so that's why condoms are important. also a condom may help ease any pain if you experience it. i would suggest that you go and see a doctor about your tight fore... (read in full...)

Her vagina seems slacker... could she be cheating on me?

Q.   I feel my partner is cheating, because at the end of her period when she has stopped bleeding she seems slack and she makes vaginal noises, also even when she is not on her period. I try to talk to her but I always seem to make a a***e of it.. can ...

A.   19 February 2009: shouldn't you know better then to think that she is cheating just because her vagina makes noises and is a little slack! just because her vagina makes noises does not mean that she has been with another man, it's just from where the air gets thr... (read in full...)

How to get a vibrator?

Q.   I have a question. Can somebody tell me how to get a vibrator? Because it is boring fingering myself, and i dont want to use my sisters' one. ...

A.   19 February 2009: DON'T use your sister's one! that's so wrong. if you can't order one due to not having a debit card then maybe buy something similar, such as an electric toothbrush. or talk to your sister and see if she can get you one. but don't use hers.... (read in full...)

Do women like for a man to shave his pubes?

Q.   Do most women or any like it for a man to shave is pubes? or is that weird? i have asked a girl that and she said if women do men should too. but do you think men should shave their pubes? ...

A.   19 February 2009: god no! a bare man is not attractive... (read in full...)

Why do girls say they love you then leave you shortly afterwards for stupid reasons?

Q.   Why do girls say they love you then leave you shortly afterwards for stupid reasons? Is it just me? Why is my longest relationship only 2 months? I don't treat them badly, I always try my best to make them happy. I just don't get it. It makes me ...

A.   13 February 2009: i'm sorry but i don't ever get with a guy and fall in love, then dump him! that's just stupid. the only reason i have ever finished a relationship was because one guy told me he loved me, then he asked me if he could date another girl while we... (read in full...)

Why do girls say they love you then leave you shortly afterwards for stupid reasons?

Q.   Why do girls say they love you then leave you shortly afterwards for stupid reasons? Is it just me? Why is my longest relationship only 2 months? I don't treat them badly, I always try my best to make them happy. I just don't get it. It makes me ...

A.   12 February 2009: not all girls do that. i certainly wouldn't tell a guy after 2 months that i love him. how can you fall in love that quickly?! are you sure you didn't pressure them into saying it, by you saying it first? love and lust can feel similar. sometime... (read in full...)

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