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Why Does Love hurt So bad?

Tagged as: Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 May 2008) 13 Answers - (Newest, 11 August 2011)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, *-CRY-ALONE writes:

Why Does Love Hurt?

Yeah love can be a great and a amzing feeling. But it can hurt sooo bad..

Love is very a powerful and yet beautiful emotion.

Life without love is meaningless and empty; However whenever we love someone there is always a chance the person won't love you back or they just don't feel the same way as you do,that is when love HURTS. You can't stop caring about that person because you love them and yet you don't get anything in return.

Love Hurts but it makes me feel alive.

love can hurt if you love that person so bad you will do any thing for that person

love hurt when you cant be with that person that you want to be with..

I think love is a beautiful beautiful thing. But it can also be something that can hurt you because the person you love may not love you back. and even if they do its hard for you to recognize it because they show it in an completey different way than you. they express their feelings in other ways that you may not understand. love can make you do crazy things as you should all know or at least have grown to know. for me its a struggle maybe because im young but its definatley hard.

The truth, however, is that love does not hurt but it is the falling out of love or not having love that really hurts. And the higher you are, such as in the heights of passion or the tower of a long-term love, the harder the fall.

A break-up, divorce, death, or abandonment are some of the most painful experiences of life because we miss our love so much.

View related questions: a break, divorce

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (11 August 2011):

Hey well i can say for sure there are different kind's of love. Love is beautiful but its like curse. Woman have always loved more emotional than guys and the problem is guys are always told to "be a man." and not show how much they really car because it will show how vulnerable they are and how easily you can hurt them. They are just like us. They are afraid. I love alot of people. I love my friends and my family and men. It hurts because without you wouldn't know that its love. I pray sometime's. I pray that God will bless and give happiness to the one's i loved or love because i know i've loved the best.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (7 August 2011):

For me love hurts because I am scared to lose the ones I love most. I'm scared to have my heart broken. I'm scared that my relationship will end very bad like my parents. I'm scared becuase I always hear people say things can change in a heartbeat. This is why love hurts me. To the ones I love I give them all of my heart. I do not give a simple little piece but the whole thing. I lay it all on the table and hope for the return of theirs. I wish love didnt hurt so bad but I guess this is what makes us human. That even if there is something so beautiful as love there also comes the pain of that beauty. There is someone that I really love with all my heart and soul and I can see myself being with this him until I die. But becuase of him going to college and having his job and wanting to hang out with his friends before they dont have time to I am scared that in this new college life I will be left in the dust. I am scared. I always will be becuase of everything I just mentioned. And right now I am hurting. I wish there was some way to know that my dream to be with him will come true and we'll be together forever. Although that is cheesy that is love.

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A male reader, South Africa +, writes (6 August 2011):

love is a wonderful thing... it can be good and it can be bad, it all depends on how you take care of the relationship.

BUT love is not a game, where one can play with each others hearts. We are only meant to love once. To fall in love once, cause god gave us only one heart, and he didn't give more, so how can we fall in love more than once? love is meant for one person, and one person only....

if you love some one so dearly and your'l break up, how can you find some one else? That proved you didnt love that person at all, cause if you loved that person you wouldnt have found sum1 else. you would have stayed and fought for what you loved, no matter how great the obstacle is, if yourl truly love or loved each other nothing or no1 with stand in your ls way, thats how great love is.

When you fall in love its the greatest feeling ever... cause you know deep down you made the right choice... you know deep down that she/he is the one you going to spend your life with... you know deep down that no other love can match your love for one other... that person you love should only be the one in your heart, even after everything goes really bad or if things dont work out, that is true love!!!!!!

dont give love time, it never works. if you love some one let them know how you feel, speak from your heart and nothing will go wrong, tell them how you feel, let them know how much you love them, cause once the opportunity is gone you never going to get that back, so make the most of it while you can, and have faith. Dont always listen to your head (brains) it will some times mislead you.. you just gotta be strong and choose the right path of love!

i hope my advice helped yourl.....

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A female reader, lost United States +, writes (19 July 2011):

Love hurts because , over the time we fall for someone that at first makes us feel a certain way that feels so good we wish to never let it go. Then as time goes by we notice that how we thought that person felt they really don't or how we would like for them to show their love they really won't . We do all we can to show them and make them feel we love them so much until it pushes them away. Then we try to bring it back together. Then what we thought was love was really just deeeeeeep feelings. Or maybe it was . But love isn't what hurts its letting go of someone that you would have done anything for. Then maybe them not noticen that the love you had was more then anyone could ask for. Then you hurt some more because you keep thinking of that person feeling that you need them sooo much until you feel that you will never love again. So heeling from the scar of love and letting go of love is what hurts. The feelings that you had before is what love felt like.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 January 2011): really does hurt so much..this is mostly because when we fell in love with someone and think that he complete us in each way, we put hundred percent of trust and love to that person without realising that we didnt spare even a single percent of love to ourself...and we will do whatever we could do as long as he is happy n we want to make him smile even sometimes its not favourable to us..end of the day,when he betray our trust,we completely lost trust on him and we started to think alot of negative things and torture will be our choice. He as a guy, will easily hurt us with words and attitude without putting into count whatever sacrifices or things we have done for him..he will be a stranger in a blink on an eye...and that is what really hurt the most..

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A female reader, clarenceme Philippines +, writes (22 January 2011):

love hurts so bad maybe because you're expecting something from that person.You want to own him/her,but his/her was owned by somebody else.Your hurt because that is the initial reaction of a person,it was as it was your possession.You put him/her to your heart without warning and caution.Your heart owned and valued him/her.And when you get use to it,when love was endowed deeply then suddenly you'd found out that he/she had something or someone that change what you'd expected..that's was a dreadful feeling.Feeling it's unfair..feeling betrayed..feeling you're not given the chance to be happy...It feels terribly bad!

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A female reader, Confused_Heart United States +, writes (23 March 2010):

Love hurt so bad because we allow our emotions to take over our feelings. When we find that person that we feel COMPLETES us, we try hard to hold on to them. Yes sometimes we fall in love too quickly, or without allowing ourselves the opportunity to really get to know ourselves and what we really want out of a relationship. We meet a guy or a girl and the physical attraction first catches our eye. Then from there you start mingling and spending time. eventually one person is going to start realizing they are having feelings for this person that they never really knew was there. Based on your feelings and emotions, you feel like the other person should feel that way as well. When you learn that the feeling is mutual and the other person does not feel the same way, it kind of way you down. That can cause you to hurt. It's not the fact that the love hurt, it's the emotions that you have that cause you to feel the way that you do.

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A male reader, falola abiola Nigeria +, writes (26 July 2009):

love only hurt when you fall in it foolishly,only the wise don't get hurt.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 March 2009):

love is a strong feeling that cannot be taken away.

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A female reader, Knvsmom United States +, writes (6 March 2009):

Because you are giving your heart to another person and trusting them with your innermost thoughts, feeling and desires. When they don't appreciate this very special gift, throw it back in your face or discard you like yesterdays garbage, it is a blow to your self esteem. The more it happens the harder it gets each time to try it again. You start to question if the risk of being hurt again is worth it? Love is great but for some people it just seems to be forever out of reach...

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (1 June 2008):

thanks for this excellent advice & i am sure i will take by it always and i will take care for my heart and feelings so no one would hurt them because nobody deserves

and they were hurt one time and that wont be repeated

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A reader, anonymous, writes (20 May 2008):

Thanks for this post. You've brought a lot of pleasure to be and perhaps other people with your words. Thanks for sharing your feelings with us.

And yes, I believe your right. Love does hurt but I'd suffer the pain a 1000 times, for the memories of the joy it brought into my life.

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A male reader, WastedLife United States +, writes (20 May 2008):

Dear I-CRY-ALONE, You answered your own question. Love is what it is, it is the source of life itself, and it is not to be trifled with. As you get to know yourself over the years, you will love and win, love and lose, and ultimately discover your inner self. At some point, there is a change in the character of loss, and the pain that hurts so much becomes a special part of you. It still hurts, yet poignantly, and your character mellows and deepens. It's a hard process, but that's life. May you truly experience yours - both the ecstasy and the agony. You will ultimately understand.

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