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Why do these thoughts pop in my head about my girlfriend getting hurt?

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Question - (4 November 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 4 November 2010)
A male United States age 30-35, *EP writes:

this is more of a pshycology question, why do random thoughts pop into my head??? and why can't I control my own mind?? some thoughts pop into my head, and they're thoughts I'd never think of otherwise, because one is of my amazing girlfriend getting hurt because the tv show I was watching put the thought in my head, and I haven't been able to get it out!! I'm scared something is wrong with me, and that whenever I see her, I'll forever assoctiate that thought with her, and I DON'T WANT THAT!!! what should I do to help me control my mind and my thoughts??? and what kind of subcontious thing is this?????

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A male reader, Cerberus_Raphael Sweden +, writes (4 November 2010):

Cerberus_Raphael agony auntFirst answer a few questions. What does it feel like exactly? Is it a desire to hurt her or protect her from pain? Perhaps those thoughts are associated with a desire you have to protect her from such harm? But you need to describe exactly what these thoughts are and how you feel about them.

I hope that helps.

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