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Why do I miss him more in the mornings?

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Question - (16 July 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 17 July 2009)
A female Canada age 30-35, anonymous writes:

My boyfriend and I recently called it quits. These last couple days have been a struggle, but I'm slowly getting by. I want to know why I only miss him in the mornings, I mean I will wake up and I will long for him and I will want to call him and tell him I love him but during the day I feel fine without him.

Why is this?

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A female reader, Heartbroken-xx Canada +, writes (17 July 2009):

Sorry about your loss. I can't really tell you why you miss him more in the mornings, but somedays you will miss him more then others. Somedays you will want to run to his house and get back together, other days you will think he is a pathetic loser, who you can't even believe you dated in the first place.

All in all - somedays will be easier then others.


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A female reader, natnatxxx United Kingdom +, writes (17 July 2009):

natnatxxx agony auntIt sounds like you still have feelings for this guy, and waking up to a fresh day without him being apart of it can be unbarable, but its early days of the break up and you broke up for a reason, right?

Maybe he used to talk to you in the mornings? sleep over? send good morning texts ect. I always miss my current boyfriend more when i wake up alone, than later in the day when im busy doing my own thing.

Think about the reasons you broke up, is it best for you to be broken up, or go back into a relationship?

Moving on is quite hard, and it takes time, but keeping yourself busy, getting the support off your friends. Can help, and treating yourself to what you always wanted (to a extent) could help xxx

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (17 July 2009):

maybe because the mrnings were ur special time together. i know if i broke up with my boyfriend i would miss him before i went to sleep wvery night because theat is when i get to talk to him. during the day u are caught up in what you are doing making it easier for you not to think about him. give it time everything will get easier with time.

good luck!

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