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Why can't I seem to get pregnant?

Tagged as: Pregnancy<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (25 June 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 25 June 2008)
A female United States age 30-35, *ynnamon writes:

i tired gettin pregnant for 7 months. my period is off and on. does this mean i cant get pregnant or can i?

View related questions: period

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A reader, anonymous, writes (25 June 2008):

I can't give you any medical advice, but I had the same problem you do, and after seeing a OBGYN he was able to get my hormones in check....which was extremely easy, I got pregnant with my daughter about 2 months later, and when she was 2 months old, I got pregnant with my son (We didn't plan our kids that close, but God did!!) All my prayers are with you, I know how much this hurts your soul. God Bless

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A female reader, SugarCookie United States +, writes (25 June 2008):

You can still get pregnant with a period that is off and on. However since you are having so many problems then I would go to the doctor and see if their is anything else wrong. If there isn't then have you bf or husband checked to make sure that everything is ok with him. You might need medical help getting pregnant just dont give up! Good luck!

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