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What use are dads? They just stop you doing stuff.

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Question - (22 March 2008) 9 Answers - (Newest, 25 March 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Dad says I should concentrate on my studies instead of boys. He's always setting rules. Why can't I be like my friends and do as I please, they don't have dads. What use are dads? They just stop you doing stuff.

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A female reader, BigSis United Kingdom +, writes (25 March 2008):

BigSis agony auntPrepare yourself for a lecture here, young lady, because you sure as 'ell deserve one.

I hope that by reading every one of the Auntie's opinion's and advices here, has made you realise that you're so lucky to have a father....

...and i'm gonna add more to what they have already said to you.

What I want you to do is clear your head of any thoughts you have at the moment, give yourself five minutes - and think very, imagine your dad all of a sudden dying. (Harsh, I know) How would you really feel? Be honest with yourself, because I can guarantee you, you will regret those remarks you made, for the rest of your life.

We all believe - that while we're growing up, our mum and dad will always be there for us. Life without them is unimaginable, we think that they will live for ever, but when they finally do leave us, part of us dies with them.

My dad died 21 years years ago, and a day hasn't gone by since then when I haven't thought of him, and I would give anything just to spend 1 more day with him, just to show him how much he really meant to me.

I too hated the way he stopped me doing the things I wanted when I was your age, but it was because he cared so much and because he loved me and because he wanted the best for me and keep me out of harm's way.

People just don't realise how much their parents mean to them, until it's too late.

Please hun, think again and enjoy your dad while you still have him.

Lecture over.

Take care.

BigSis xXx

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A female reader, xapathyxrebornx United Kingdom +, writes (22 March 2008):

xapathyxrebornx agony aunttbh you should be thankful you have one who gives a damn, look at your friends without fathers. The girls will end up with an older men have sex with them thinking its love because in reality they want a father figure,listen to your dad in ten years you'll look at your friends who didn't give a crap , you'll be in a great job and stuff maybe and they'll be in 2 bedroomed falts on benefits, which YOU pay for....

So yeah be happy your dads caring for you, cause theirs aren't x

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A male reader, Jamer70 United Kingdom +, writes (22 March 2008):

Jamer70 agony auntWell besides the fact your not even 16, and yes you should be concentrating on school.

So you dont end up an unemployeed bum living on benifits

Or come on this site a little more often and read about 14 year olds not using condoms getting preganant, thats when they want help.

Everyone has already said why dads are important and be thankful yours cares or youll end up an underage drinking crackhead burden on society

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A male reader, Dr Vendetta United Kingdom +, writes (22 March 2008):

Dr Vendetta agony auntyou're right

Why can't you go out and enjoy underage drinking, and smoking and doing crack.

And why can't you end up with a coke addiction and end up selling yourself on the street for some rock.

And well Damn it why don't he let you go out get drunk and get raped and then have a bastard baby that the dead beat father runs off with someone else.


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A female reader, duskyrowe United Kingdom +, writes (22 March 2008):

duskyrowe agony auntIf you was my daughter I would have tanned your backside years ago. Your father brought you into this world, to love and care for you not for you wanting to galavant with boys at your age. So show him RESPECT!!!!!

Do you want to end up a teenage mum with not a pot to p*ss in or do you want a good job with prospects?

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A male reader, Uncle Trev United Kingdom +, writes (22 March 2008):

I know the angle your dad is coming from and it is a fairly straight forward one.

In general good parents want a better life for their children than they have had and the way they see a better life for their children is if they have more choice and the ability to earn more than they did.

By doing your studying you will be in a position to have more choices offered to you wreather it be a better college for further education or a better quality job when you leave the education system.

Parents naturally worry about their children and worry for their safety. They also worry about anything untoward they may get up to regarding breaking the law.

In keeping you at home he can keep an euye on you and that way he can make sure you are safe. It may look differant in your eyes - I no doubt it does but I thought I should try and fill you in a bit to help you see the situation from your fathers point of view.

A way of convincing him that it is OK for him to let the purse-strings go a bit would be by you showing him a maturity that convinces him that you can be trusted and can make the right decisions when you are away from him.

I hope this has helped but remember he is not stopping you from doing stuff out of spite - he is probably stopping you making some of the mistakes he has made.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (22 March 2008):

Parents do a lot of specific things on a day-to-day basis that make you wish they weren't there.

But the overall effect of having parents on your life is irreplaceable. Kids without both parents might talk a big talk right now, but deep down there probably isn't a single one of them who doesn't kind of wish they had two good parents in their lives.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (22 March 2008):

This is just like your dad saying, what use are kids? They just stop you going out as much as you'd like to.

You could say that about anyone honey, and I know where you're coming from, but some kids DON'T have dads, or any parents at all, or would do anything for a parent that cares. He just wants you to get a good job and have a good life.

Would you rather sacrifice some time with boys when you're, say, 13, and get a great husband and earn a great wage and go on awesome holidays when you're older, or sit at home with a mess of a boyfriend and no job? He's just trying to do whats best for you, I know its hard, but if its really bothering you, tell him you can always manage both. After all, its not like you're asking to have a baby! Just want a bit more male company.

I agree, he should be a bit more understanding, but so should you. Good luck :]

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A reader, anonymous, writes (22 March 2008):

Be very thankful that you have a dad who is trying to look after your best interests. Studies are more important than boys at your age. Perhaps your dad was allowed to do as he pleased when he was younger and now realises, too late, that an education is important for a comfortable future life in a nice new house with a new car and a boat on the driveway with three forign holidays a year to exotic destinations. You don't get that sort of lifestyle by emptying dustbins for a living.

If you want to get on in life and get a decent job or career, you need education. All your friends who are allowed to roam around like feral cats and dogs will either end up living off the state, selling hamburgers or stacking shelves at your local supermarket. You, on the other hand, with an education could do much better for yourself.

I might sound like your dad. That's because I am a dad and know better than you about life, just as your dad does!

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