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What do you do if you are in love with two people?

Tagged as: Dating, Teenage, The ex-factor, Three is a crowd<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 June 2012) 3 Answers - (Newest, 22 June 2012)
A female United States age 26-29, *affy369 writes:

Well im 15 years old, and I have a pretty interesting story I guess, :/ well I currently have a boyfriend, and I LOVE him to death, now you people might say its puppy love , but wen im in love, IM IN LOVE. well my boyfriend and I broke up 4 months ago and I met this amazing guy, there certain things this guy has that I wish my boyfriend,... Well I think ive fallen for this guy, well me and my boyfriend got back together and I try to forget about the other guy but he seems to not leave my mind, and my boyfriend knows about him, and for my boyfriends sake I try to forget about the other I LOVE my boyfriend, but everytime I see the other guy around the complex, I get butterflies, and when I look into the other guys eyes theres yet morre in there that makes me fall in love. I Love my boyfriend so much, BUT i love the other guy as well. :/ I dont know what to do....

View related questions: broke up, got back together

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A reader, anonymous, writes (22 June 2012):

girl, im 16, and ive been with my boyfriend for ages and i honestly didnt care what people had to say about it being "puppy love" because after all this time, without breaking up i'm the one laughing in their face(:

and dont leave the one you love for the one you like because the one you like might leave you for the one they love, yeah i know, you've heard it before, but its true.

its never happened to me but dont let a good realationship get ruined for something you know is not going to last.

talk to your bf and tell him how you really feel, if he really loves you t r u s t me, he will fight for you, but if he tells you to go with the other guy then you know that he isnt really trying, and you dont deserve that.

also think about the reasons that you guys broke up and who you will be happier with. just my personal opinion.

good luck doll.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (22 June 2012):

Trust me, do yourself a favour and concentrate on your education first, before worrying about boyfriends.

Then see how you feel about each of them, perhaps sitting down and comparing them, considering their good points and any bad points about both of them, then decide who you rather be with or go after. But, please, education first. No, I'm not saying you're too young for love/romance, I'm just giving you advice from my own personal experience that you should put education first. Else, I'll have Sprite please (to go with my burger and fries)...

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (22 June 2012):

1. you're not in love, you're infatuated.

2. break up with the boyfriend.

3. ditch the other boy as well.

4. stay single, flirt and have fun because you're young and you shouldn't be trying to keep long-term relationships at your age.

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