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Weird pimple on vagina

Tagged as: Health<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (27 April 2010) 3 Answers - (Newest, 27 April 2010)
A female Canada age 30-35, anonymous writes:

i have something really weird i had research herped pictures and symtomps and i dont think i have it but but what else could it be? in my vaginal area on my lips i have been having for the laast month like small pimples but i sqeezed them and nothing comes out, if it does its like a lilttle hard pimple and then lots of blood,its not a blister and they look white , but without pus or anything, have been there for a little more than a month, what can it be ??please help

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (27 April 2010):

i've had these for as long as i remember. little hard white spots with no pus in them? I believe they are called fordyces spots after a while ago i got concerned and did some research on the internet.

I think they can be lasered away but it may cause lose of feeling down there...and that's no good. Anyway let us know if you go see your GP and what he says...i'm far too embarrassed to see mine!

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A female reader, It's all be okay United Kingdom +, writes (27 April 2010):

Anytime that you find changes in your body which worry you, go straight to the doctor.

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A female reader, CindyCares Italy +, writes (27 April 2010):

CindyCares agony aunt From your description they could be small sebaceous cysts.That would be no big deal,you can have them easily "zapped" in local anasthesia. Anyway, rather than guessing- the best thing to do is going to see your doctor !

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