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We split up after 10 months. I'm really down about it and want him back. What can I do?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Teenage, The ex-factor<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (16 December 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 17 December 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, *rokenhearted123 writes:

I love my boyfriend(now my ex :( sadly)very much and i really can't live without him, he said that we aren't right for each other, and he listens to other people too much, because we both work in the same company and people in there think alot of him but they don't like me for some reason,i think just because we were going out.i really don't know but he also said that he is stressed with uni work and dont have time and we always argue and that i dont get on with his friends and he dont get on with mine,but he does and i get on with his,but i dont understand why he doesnt want to be with me and i know chasing him and trying to get him back makes things worse but i cant see a future without him i just want him back and i cant stop crying,he is my everything and all i do is sit and dwell on it because he said he loves me and still cares for me and every time he sees me he wants to kiss me, i dont actually think he knows what he wants because we split up on the thursday then he wanted me bak on the sat then he split up with me again on thursday and thats it over,but i want him to come back and people say you will get back together honestly just let him do the running but i dont think he will,but its easy saying ill have to get over him but i just cant it is far too hard for me,all i want to do is kiss him and i will hate to see him with anyone else.what should i do? i need him! and nobody else will ever have my heart! i want him and hes the one ! :(

View related questions: get back together, my ex, split up

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A female reader, brokenhearted123 United Kingdom +, writes (17 December 2007):

brokenhearted123 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

i know but i can't actually bring myself to move on i want him to come back and i am waiting even though i know deep down he just wants to be friends.i can't give up i want him to come back :( he is all i think about and i work with him its ok during the week hes at university but when hes at work i cant stop looking at him i want it to be me and him forever! and when i grow older and my wee girl asks me,or wee boy depends on which i have if any, but when they ask me who my first lover was i want to be able to point across the room and say hes sitting over there not bring out an old photoalbum!:( he is the one but i dont want it to look like im chasing him,and i just cant help it but all he says is why not texting back we are friends arent we?i just cant accept that i want him to be mine! :( breaks my heart :(

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A male reader, Richard_EMids United Kingdom +, writes (17 December 2007):

Richard_EMids agony auntHi Brokenhearted. I know you feel so sad right now. What you describe happens to so many of us. Someone once said, "Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop." This can happen to you many times before you settle with someone for the long run. SO be prepared for it to happen again.

Do you know how many boys there are just in your area? Thousands. There are many looking to find someone like you right now. You've just got to meet up. The question is how? Going out and meeting lots of people is the way. But don't go to places where you are likely to see your ex, try some different places.

Good luck


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