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Was he just leading me on???

Tagged as: Big Questions, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (15 August 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 16 August 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I started a new job a couple of months ago and hit it off with this amazing girl.

We got talking and we have so much in common it's unreal, she georgous and she's amazing, I started to crush on her really bad. :o(

I'd flirt a lot and she would too, I'd push her with my hips and she'd do it back and so on. Lots of touching and messing around.

I had a bet with her at work and she won and she asked me to make her dinner, but it never happened.

So one day I was talking about my friends, and she said "Tell them you have a girlfriend, tell them it's me!" and laughed.

She asked me how I knew I was gay and agreed that it sexuality is fluid.

So I went to a local gay bar at the weekend and met a girl and told the girl at work, she was asking me allsorts of questions, and I wasn't answering any of them. So the next day she comes into work and says she's met a guy... (Nooooooooooo!)

So I walked round work with a frown on my face all day after that.

Then she met this other guy on a dating site, and she said he was out of his mind for thinking he could get her, then she said he was nice, and then she hated him again.

So, she went back to her home town for a week and I wqas looking after her house, we were keeping in touch via text and Facebook and in the end, we started calling each other "my lover" in her native language!

So she came back to work and she said she was meeting up with this guy off the dating website. The night before she went we were texting all night, I was drinking too, I was so drunk I sent her a text telling her I like her! (Eeeek!)

She said she would ring me the next day, which she did. She said "Our friendship is more powerful than a relationship could ever be."


So I log onto Facebook and it says she's in a realationship, with this guy. I sent her a angry text saying she could of told me a better way than Facebook. She called me jealous and childish... But she didn't want to lose me as a friend.

So now, I'm keeping my distance. I'm not really texting her, or commenting on stuff on Facebook or PM-ing her on Facebook.

She's always the one who interacts first, we last talked on Friday afternoon at work, and today (Sunday) I logged onto Facebook and she'd sent me a message! Asking about my profile picture, which is the LGBT Pride flag!...

I don't get this girl, she screams gay/bi tbh.

She comes from Poland, and I'm thinking there is a slight possibilty she is trying to cover it up due to the fact maybe her family won't be so happy about her being gay/bi.

I thought she liked me, but I guess I was wrong! Was she leading me on? :o(

View related questions: at work, crush, drunk, facebook, flirt, girl at work, jealous, text

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A female reader, Moo's Mum New Zealand +, writes (16 August 2010):

Moo's Mum agony auntI think she does want to be your friend and not be in a relationship with you and by the sounds of it she is a touchy feely kind of girl and that is what is confusing you.

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