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Torn between my husband the guy I'm obsessed with

Tagged as: Marriage problems<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (3 August 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 8 August 2009)
A female United States age 36-40, *indictiveHeart writes:

I don't know what to do. I've been with my husband for 2 years but we got married a few months ago. I'm not happily married. He neglects me a lot. He can't work due to an accident he had and part of me feels torn. Two years ago I met this guy and we've been really good friends ever since(lets call him Eric) but I can't stop thinking about him. Me and Eric had a 1 time fling and it was wonderful. My husbands an asshole and Eric is like prince charming. My husband treats me like shit always ignore me so he can play his ps3 and I'm always depressed. I think I may be obsessed with Eric and often fantasize about him. What should i do? Who should I be with?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 August 2009):

stop complaining about your husband. and start doing something constuctive to save yor marriage. if you want to, that is. marriage is for 2 people, not 3 so your eric should not even feature in it. if your husband is as bad as you say he is why hav't you left him.

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A female reader, QuirkLady United States +, writes (4 August 2009):

QuirkLady agony auntTalk to your husband and try to resolve your problems with him first before you make any decisions. Don't go looking outside the marriage for love, either make the marriage work or get divorced. See if your husband is willing to work on his issues; perhaps you two need to go to marriage counseling together.

Good luck.

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A male reader, S-Breeze13 United States +, writes (4 August 2009):

Take some time to really sit down to think about this. Which relationship are you going to be the most happy in? The grass may not be greener on the other side. Whatever your decision is, make sure that it will have no regrets.

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