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To invite or not to invite!

Tagged as: Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (8 February 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 8 February 2009)
A female United States age 51-59, anonymous writes:

A person who I thought was a pretty good friend of mine had a birthday party recently, and I was offended because I was not invited. She admitted to me that she did not plan the party --it was a surprise!! I still felt that her husband, who I considered a friend also and I could tell that he also considered me a friend, knew that we were friends. I feel that because I was not invited, I am pretty low on the totem pole with this couple, if you know what I mean.

I confided this to a good friend of mine. She said that a neighbor of hers, who is a good friend of mine and also hers, has parties and never invites them. She never invites us (my husband and I) either. I think obviously that my friend would feel more slighted about not being invited because she lives so close to her.

I'm just wanting some feedback on this. How do others feel about this? Why do people who you consider friends and you are pretty sure they consider you friends not invite you to their parties? How should I feel about not being invited? Should I be offended? Would you be offended? Would you continue to help them out if they ask for favors, keep their kids, etc.?

Easily Offended in Etterville

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A female reader, AuntLola United Kingdom +, writes (8 February 2009):

AuntLola agony auntIn all honesty, i would also be offended.

There could be many reasons for you not being invited to this party, but i doubt any of these reasons would be a good one.

The simple truth would be they don't want you there.

And also if they are asking you to mind their kids, i think they are obviously just taking advantage of your good nature.

I wouldnt do them any favours if i was you

Hope this helps

Aunt Lola


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